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Adverse experiences and psychopathological processes

Dernière mise à jour :

Katia M Bailara (MCF-HDR), Greg Decamps (MCF-HDR), Géraldine Tapia (MCF-HDR), Cecile Dantzer (MCF-HDR), and Philippe Compagnone (MCF)


Program 3 comprises researchers specializing in clinical psychology, psychopathology and health psychology. Our main interests focus on the following two themes:

Axis 1: Adjustment mechanisms following exposure to adverse experiences

The first axis focuses on the study of psychological adjustment following exposure to adverse experiences using on a variety of methods in clinical, non-clinical, adult, and child populations. Adverse or stressful experiences are understood in their broad sense to include a wide range of experiences from acute traumatic events to the accumulation of less acute chronic stressors such as childhood adversities or suffering from a chronic or disabling medical condition. In this axis, our focus is on identifying the psychopathological and physical consequences associated with exposure to specific acute or chronic adverse experiences.

Axis 2: Emotional processes associated with the onset and course of mental disorders

The second axis focuses on the study of specific cognitive and emotional processes involved in the onset, course, and comorbidity patterns of common mental disorders. Specifically, our work focuses on two of these processes:  emotion regulation and interoception. Both processes are known to vary across individuals and situations. Both are also known to be associated with psychopathology and thus offer the opportunity to examine individual and environmental factors associated with a disruption of these processes.


  • Cécile Dantzer

    3 ter Place de la Victoire 33076 Bordeaux