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Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture, ouvrages et chapitres d'ouvrages.

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Articles parus dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • Aka, S., Mathey, S. (in press) Predicting high variability in imageability ratings across age groups and its influence on visual word recognition. Behavior Research Methods 57, 8. Q1
  • AUJOULAT, C., VANCAPPEL, A., & TAPIA, G. (2024). Effectiveness of psychotherapy on dissociative symptoms in adult populations: A PRISMA systematic review. In L’Encéphale. Q3(Psychiatry and Mental Health)/Scimago-Scopus
  • Ballot, C., Robert, C., Dujardin, E., Mathey, S. (2024). Effects of lexical skills and orthographic neighborhood size in word memory. Memory & Cognition, 52, 610-621.  Open access (Q1)
  • BAUDE, A., DRAPEAU, S., LACHANCE, V., & IVERS, H. (2024). Trajectories of Paternal Contact After Parental Separation: A Latent Class Growth Analysis. In Journal of Family Issues (Vol. 45, Issue 2, pp. 502–526). (Q1)
  • BRUNEL, J., DELORD, S., & MATHEY, S. (2024). Inhibition in the emotional Hayling task: can hypnotic suggestion enhance cognitive control on a prepotent negative word? In Cognition and Emotion (pp. 1–9). Q1
  • BRUNEL, J., MATHEY, S., & DELORD, S. (2024). French Norms for a Shortened Online Adaptation of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A. In International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (Vol. 72, Issue 3, pp. 327–350). (Q2
  • CAIADA, M., VALERY, K.-M., FELIX, S., GUIONNET, S., TISON, E., GONIN, M., BONILLA-GUERRERO, J., DESTAILLATS, J.-M., PILLAUD, N., & PROUTEAU, A. (2024). Stigmatizing intimate relationships in schizophrenia: a study comparing mental health professionals, health students and the general population. In Journal of Mental Health (pp. 1–11). Q2
  • CANGIALOSI, N., ODOARDI, C., & DEPREZ, G. (2024). Information sharing and feeling of competency at work: a proactive training seeking perspective. In Industrial and Commercial Training (Vol. 56, Issue 3, pp. 166–180). Q3
  • CAUMEIL, B., LABOUTE, E., VERHAEGHE, E., PÉREZ, S., & DECAMPS, G. (2024). Reinjury Anxiety and Return to Sport After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Cluster Analysis and Prospective Study Among 162 Athletes. In The American Journal of Sports Medicine (Vol. 52, Issue 5, pp. 1189–1198). Q1
  • CAUMEIL, B., VINCENT, Y., & DECAMPS, G. (2024). Determinants and definitions of re-injury anxiety, fear of re-injury and kinesiophobia: a systematic review. In STAPS : Revue internationale des sciences du sport et de l’éducation physique. Q4
  • CHASSAING-MONJOU, C., CANGIALOSI, N., BAZINE, N., PEÑA-JIMENEZ, M., ODOARDI, C., & DEPREZ, G. (2024). Self-Learning in Industry 4.0: Fostering Technological Training-Seeking Behaviors. In Le travail humain: Vol. Vol. 87 (Issue 2, pp. 75–85). Q4
  • Constans, S., Rouyer, V., & Ponce, C. (à paraître). Citizenship education in childhood. French children's and adults' views on the experiences of children elected to a children's municipal council. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. [Psychinfo – Scimago Q2 Developmental and Educational psychologyy].
  • Cousi, C., Igier, V. & Quintard, B. (2024). Determinants of quality of life in French nursing home residents across cognitive levels: a comparative study using convergent mixed-methods. BMC Geriatrics. 24:636.
  • Delhoste, A., & Rouyer, V. (à paraître, 2025). La participation des enfants aux prises de décisions en Protection de l’enfance. Enfance [Psycinfo - Scimago Q4]
  • DRAPEAU, S., LAROUCHE, K., IVERS, H., DUSSAULT, S., & BAUDE, A. (2024). Longitudinal Association Between the Quality of the Separated Parents’ Relationship and the Frequency of Father-Child Contact: The Mothers’ Perspective. In Journal of Family Issues (Vol. 45, Issue 11, pp. 2916–2938). Q1
  • Dupouy, M., Roux, P., Munuera, C., Weil, F., Passerieux, C., & M'Bailara, K. (2024). The purpose of early maladaptive schemas (EMS) in the relationship dysfunction among people with bipolar disorder in the euthymic phase. Encephale. 2024 Jun;50(3):265-274. https://doi:10.1016/j.encep.2023.06.016  (Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health)
  • Echegaray, F., Roux, S., Koleck, M., Jouvie, J., Artheix-Althabegoity, Y., Lebourleux, P., ... & M'bailara, K. (2024). Development and preliminary validation of the Unpleasant and Pleasant Emotion Regulation Assessment (UPER-A). European Journal of Psychological Assessment.  (Q1 Applied Psychology)
  • Elali, I., M'Bailara, K., Sanders, V., de Revel, G., Riquier, L., & Tempere, S. (2024). The smell of emotion: How wine tasters' olfactory discrimination abilities are affected by mindfulness and thought suppression, a pilot study. Acta psychologica, 251, 104643. Advance online publication.  Q2
  • FELIX, S., VALERY, K.-M., CAIADA, M., GUIONNET, S., BONILLA-GUERRERO, J., DESTAILLATS, J.-M., & PROUTEAU, A. (2024). Personal recovery self-report outcome measures in serious mental illness: A systematic review of measurement properties. In Clinical Psychology Review (Vol. 112, p. 102459). Q1
  • FOMBOUCHET, Y., LANNEGRAND, L., & LUCENET, J. (2024). Relationships between emotion regulation strategies and executive functions in adolescence: Exploring the effects of discrete emotions and age. In Journal of Adolescence (Vol. 96, Issue 6, pp. 1239–1248). Q1
  • FOURNIER, H., HASDENTEUFEL, M., GARROUTEIGT, C., PERIE, M., GLIKSOHN, A., JOUANNE, B., HADJ-RABIA, S., ARVEILER, B., MORICE-PICARD, F., & QUINTARD, B. (2024). The experience of albinism in France: a qualitative study on dyads of parents and their adult child with albinism. In BMC Medicine (Vol. 22, Issue 1, p. 40). Q1
  • GRANJON, M., PILLAUD, N., POPA-ROCH, M., AUBÉ, B., & ROHMER, O. (2024). Attitudes towards Invisible Disabilities: Evidence from Behavioral Tendencies. In Behavioral Sciences (Vol. 8, p. 100164). Q2
  • GUEGUEN, N., JACOB, C., PASCUAL, A., & LAMY, L. (2024). Guilt Cues Enhance the Door-on-the-Face Technique. In Basic and Applied Social Psychology (pp. 1–6). Q2
  • JACOB, C., GUEGUEN, N., PASCUAL, A., & LUBOMIR, L. (2024). Disrupt Pique Technique: When Disrupting First Increases the Effectiveness of the Pique Technique. In Polish Psychological Bulletin (Vol. 55, pp. 32–36). Q3
  • Karimov-Zwienenberg, M., Symphor, W., Péraud, W. & Décamps, G. (2024). Childhood trauma, PTSD/CPTSD and chronic pain : a systematic review. Plos One 19(8): e0309332. Q1
  • LACHANCE, V., DRAPEAU, S., BAUDE, A., GAGNÉ, M.-H., IVERS, H., & DUSSAULT, S. (2024). Interparental relationship and father involvement patterns in the period surrounding separation: Mothers’ perspective. In Revue québécoise de psychologie (Vol. 44, Issue 2, pp. 35–56). NR
  • M’Bailara, K., Echegaray, F., & Di Simplicio, M. (2024). What’s in the mind’s eye of individuals with bipolar disorders: an exploration of the content and characteristics of mental images in different thymic phases. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 52(2), 178–193. https://doi:10.1017/S1352465823000401  , (Q2 Clinical Psychology)
  • MCKAY, S., FREEMAN, E., LANNEGRAND, L., SKUES, J., & WISE, L. (2024). Exploring Turning Point Narratives of International Exchange Students to Identify the Experiences That Promote Perceived Growth and Identity Development [Article de revue]. In Identity (Vol. 24, Issue 1, pp. 31–44). Q2
  • MUNUERA, C., FELIX, S., PROUTEAU, A., CAIADA, M., GUIONNET, S., VALERY, K.-M., FOMBOUCHET, Y., GARD, S., CHEVRIER, F., MINOIS, I., & M’BAILARA, K. (2024). Characterizing personal recovery in severe mental illness: French psychometric validation of the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery (QPR-Fr). In Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal (Vol. 47, Issue 2, pp. 177–187). Q2
  • PASCUAL, A., VALERY, K.-M., DUCLOS, L., AUVIN, T., & PROUTEAU, A. (2024). Stéréotypes d’incompétence des bénéficiaires du RSA : une enquête auprès des professionnels de l’insertion du RSA. In Psychologie du travail et des organisations. Q4
  • PERCHEC, C., BRISSET, C., LANNEGRAND, L., & SABATIER, C. (2024). The context- and emotion-specific assessment of emotion regulation in adolescents (CESAER-A): Validation in a sample of early to late adolescents. In European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée (Vol. 74, Issue 4, p. 100929). NR
  • PIERRE, L., CANGIALOSI, N., & DEPREZ, G. (2024). Nurse middle managers’ proactive work behavior: antecedents and consequences on innovative work behavior and job performance. In Journal of Health Organization and Management (pp. 1–44). Q2
  • PILLAUD, N., & RIC, F. (2024). The Affect Misattribution Procedure Revisited: An Informational Account. In Psychological Science (Vol. 35, Issue 12, pp. 1340–1349). Q1
  • Pillaud, N., Ballot, C., Robert, C., Mathey, S., & Ric, F. (2024). Is the approach avoidance compatibility effect moderated by word imageability? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(6), 1281-1294. (Q2)
  • Poisson, E., Ponce, C., & Rouyer, V. (accepté, à paraître). Becoming Student in Kindergarten: Identification of profiles and their evolution at the approach of elementary school in French context. European Journal of Psychology of education [Psycinfo –Ergonomics abtsracts - Scimago Q1 developmental and educational psychology].
  • PRADEAU, C., ESTIVAL, S., POSTAL, V., LAURIER, V., MAUGARD, C., ISNER-HOROBETI, M.-E., MOURRE, F., & KRASNY-PACINI, A. (2024). A pilot rating system to evaluate the quality of goal attainment scales used as outcome measures in rehabilitation. In Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (pp. 1–32). [Psychology : Q1]
  • RENOUX, M., GOUDEAU, S., ALEXOPOULOS, T., BOUQUET, C., & CIMPIAN, A. (2024). The inherence bias in preschoolers’ explanations for achievement differences: replication and extension. In npj Science of Learning (Vol. 9, Issue 1, pp. 1–9). Q2
  • RODRIGUEZ, P. A., GERAT-MULLER, V., & POSTAL, V. (2024). Cancer : prendre en charge le « brouillard cognitif » qui peut persister après les traitements. In The Conversation France. [NR]
  • Roux, P., Frileux, S., Vidal, N., Aubin, V., Belzeaux, R., Courtet, P., Dubertret, C., Etain, B., Haffen, E., Leboyer, M., Lefrere, A., Llorca, P. M., M'Bailara, K., Marlinge, E., Olié, E., Polosan, M., Schwan, R., FACE-BD (FondaMental Academic Centers of Expertise for Bipolar Disorders) group, Brunet-Gouet, E., & Passerieux, C. (2024). Relationships between cognition, functioning, and quality of life of euthymic patients with bipolar disorder: Structural equation modeling with the FACE-BD cohort. European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists, 67(1), e78.   (Q1 Psychiatry and Mental health)
  • Rouyer, V., Constans, S., & Hugon, M. (2025, à paraître). Citoyenneté et éducation : quelle éthique de la participation des enfants ? Enfance, 1. [Psycinfo - Scimago Q4 Developmental and Educational psychologyy]
  • Rouyer, V., Constans, S., & Hugon, M. (dir.) (2025, à paraître). Accéder aux expériences des enfants pour mieux comprendre l’exercice de la citoyenneté en contextes éducatifs. Enfance, 1. [Psycinfo - Scimago Q4 Developmental and Educational psychologyy]
  • Stadelmaier, N., Ceccaldi, J., Duguey-Cachet, O., & Quintard, B. (2024). Quand le lieu de travail devient le lieu d’accueil d’un proche atteint de cancer : quelles interactions entre aidant, patient, soignants ? Bulletin du Cancer. 1, 8-17 Q3
  • Symphor, W., Rault, A., Plasonja, N. & Décamps, G. (2024). Approche psychologique de la prise de poids lié au sevrage alcoolique. Médecine des maladies métaboliques, 18(6), pp:502-508. Q4
  • Tapia, G., Teysseyre, J., Bréhonnet, R., Baud, A., Gauvreau, G., Gray, M., & Oprescu, F. (2024). Childhood trauma and alcohol misuse in college students : The moderating role of minimization. Child Abuse & Neglect, 152, 106749. Q1(Psychiatry and Mental Health)/ Scimago-Scopus/ PsycINFO
  • TETREAULT, S., MERCURE, D., BRISSET, C., BETRISEY, C., GULFI, A., LEANZA, Y., & KUHNE, N. (2024). Intercultural intervention in the health and social care sectors: how to train students. In McGill Journal of Education / Revue des sciences de l’éducation de McGill (Vol. 57, Issue 3, pp. 199–227). NR
  • TRINCHERINI, R., & POSTAL, V. (2024). Expertise and Decision-making: An Analysis of Expert Capacities through the Iowa Gambling Task. In Journal of expertise (Vol. 7, Issue 3, pp. 59–72). NR
  • VALERY, K.-M., ROULIN, M., CAIADA, M., FELIX, S., GUIONNET, S., TISON, E., FOURNIER, T., VIOLEAU, L., CHADAPEAUD, L., PACHNOPOULOS, J.-B., & PROUTEAU, A. (2024). Stereotypes about the child with an ADHD diagnosis among neuropsychologists in France [Article de revue]. In Neuropsychiatrie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence (Vol. 72, Issue 4, pp. 157–164). Q4
  • VALERY, K.-M., SEGUELA, A., CAIADA, M., DUBOS, J., DUCASSE, A., DUFFA, J., DUMORA, C., FELIX, S., FOURNIER, T., GUILLET, M., GUIONNET, S., LAUMIER, M., TISON, E., VIOLEAU, L., VIOLET, M., & PROUTEAU, A. (2024). Humanizing neuropsychological assessment: The role of empathy [Article de revue]. In Applied Neuropsychology: Adult (pp. 1–5). Q3


Articles parus dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • Angelucci, A., Hermans, J., Radu-Lefebvre, M., & Angel, V. (2023). Tensioning as intertwining, competition, and superseding: A self-regulation approach to managing hybridity tensions in social enterprises” – International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. DOI: 10.1108/ijebr-10-2021-0850 (Q1) OSKAR
  • Baude, A., Henaff, G., Potin, É., Bourassa, A., Saint‐Jacques, M. C., & Noël, J. (2023). Information and communication technology use among children separated from one or both parents: A scoping review. Family Relations, 72(2), 601-620. (Q2) OSKAR
  • BAZINE, N., CHÉNARD-POIRIER, L. A., BATTISTELLI, A., & LAGABRIELLE, M.-C. (2023). Who is successful in career development? A person-centered approach to the study of career orientation profiles [Article de revue]. In Career Development International (Vol. 28, Issue 6/7, pp. 772–792). OSKAR Q1
  • BAZINE, N., LAGABRIELLE, C., REVRANCHE, M., & BATTISTELLI, A. (2023). The mediating role of self-regulation planning and motivation to learn in the relationship between protean career orientation and career behaviors [Article de revue]. In International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. OSKAR Q1
  • Bazine, N., Peña-Jimenez, M., & Déprez, G. R. M. (2023). Se préparer pour l’avenir professionnel : relation entre l’orientation de carrière, les comportements proactifs de carrière et la satisfaction de carrière. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations. (Q4)
  • BLASCO GINER, C., BATTISTELLI, A., MENEGHEL, I., & SALANOVA, M. (2023). Psychological Capital, Autonomous Motivation and Innovative Behavior: A Study Aimed at Employees in Social Networks [Article de revue]. In Psychological Reports. OSKAR Q2
  • Blasco-Giner, C., Meneghel, I., & Déprez, G. R. M. (in press). Positive psychological capital and innovative work behavior: a systematic literature review. Le travail humain. (Q3) OSKAR
  • Briand V., M’Bailara K. (2023). Quel cadre pour penser la place du psychologue dans les prises en charge à domicile en psychopathologie périnatale?. Devenir, vol. 35(3), 223-249. https://doi:10.3917/dev.233.0223    (Q3 Pediatrics) OSKAR
  • Brunel, J., Delord, S., & Mathey, S. (2023). Hypnotic Suggestion Modulates Visual Recognition of Negative Words Depending on Word Arousal. Consciousness and Cognition, 115, 1–8. (Q2)
  • Brunel, J., Mathey, S., Colombani, S., & Delord, S. (2023). Modulation of attentional bias by hypnotic suggestion: Experimental evidence from an emotional Stroop task. Cognition and Emotion, 37(3), 1–15. (Q2)
  • CAIADA, M., FELIX, S., GUIONNET, S., VALERY, K.-M., BONILLA-GUERRERO, J., DESTAILLATS, J.-M., & PROUTEAU, A. (2023). Promoting Intimate Relationships in Mental Illness: A Systematic Review of Interventions [Article de revue]. In Community Mental Health Journal. OSKAR Q1
  • Camblats, A.-M., Mathey, S., Robert, C., Estival, S., Chevalère, J., Maire, J., Tauber, M., Laurier, V., Tricot, J., Mourre, F., & Postal, V. (2023) Interference effect of food and emotional stimuli in Stroop-like tasks for children and adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 45 (2) , 132-147. (Q3) OSKAR
  • Chevrier, F., Ordonez, A., Saint Geours, J. M., Saint Geours, S., & M’Bailara, K. (2023). La surf thérapie, un outil innovant de réhabilitation psychosociale!. L’Information psychiatrique, 99(2), 107-112.   (Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health) OSKAR
  • DAL SANTO, L., LONGHINI, J., ANDELA, M., BATTISTELLI, A., & GALLETTA, M. (2023). Emotional labor as emotional regulation: Italian adaptation and longitudinal validation of the scale among undergraduate nursing students. [Article de revue]. In Nurse Education in Practice (Vol. 66, p. 103516). [Q1 : nursing] OSKAR
  • DAL SANTO, L., PENA JIMENEZ, M., CANZAN, F., SAIANI, L., & BATTISTELLI, A. (2023). The Self-Perceived E-Learning Environment Scale: Development and Psychometric Properties in a Nursing Students Samples [Article de revue]. In Nursing Education Perspectives (Vol. 44, Issue 6, pp. E39–E44). OSKAR Q2
  • Dupouy, M., Roux, P., Munuera, C., Weil, F., Passerieux, C., & M'Bailara, K. (2023). The purpose of early maladaptive schemas (EMS) in the relationship dysfunction among people with bipolar disorder in the euthymic phase. L'Encephale, S0013-7006(23)00120-3..  (Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health) OSKAR
  • Elali, I., M’Bailara, K., Sanders, V., Riquier, L., de Revel, G., & Tempère, S. (2023). Is wine an emotional object? Measurements of the subjective and automatic components of emotions in a wine-tasting situation. OENO One, 57(4).  (Q1 horticulture, Q2 food science) OSKAR
  • ETCHEPARE, A., ROUX, S., DESTAILLATS, J.-M., & PROUTEAU, A. (2023). Assessing social cognition in adults: Updating the norms of the Bordeaux Social Cognition Assessment Protocol (PECS-B), and the assessment method [Article de revue]. In Revue de neuropsychologie (Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 93–100). OSKAR (Q4)
  • Faury S, M’Bailara K, Rullier S, Denost Q and Quintard B. Implémentation d’une intervention psychosociale StomieCare auprès de patients opérés d’un cancer du rectum avec stomie temporaire : une étude pilote de faisabilité, d’acceptabilité et d’efficacité. Psycho-oncologie 17(3), 147-157.  (Q4 Clinical Psychology) OSKAR
  • Faury, S., Aurouet, P., Quintard, B. & Foucaud, J. (2023). Adults’ attitude of lifestyle and environmental risk factors for cancer: a systematic review on reporting of methods in national surveys. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 
  • Fillon, A., Souchet, L., Pascual, A. & Girandola, F. (2023). The effectiveness of the “But-you-are-free” technique: Meta-analysis and re-examination of the technique. Meta Psychology, 7, 1-20. (NR) OSKAR
  • Fombouchet, Y., Lannegrand, L., & Lucenet, J. (2023). La régulation émotionnelle : une diversité de profils de stratégies en lien avec les compétences des adolescents. Enfance. (Scimago Q4)
  • Fombouchet, Y., Lannegrand, L., & Lucenet, J. (2023). The Contextualized Emotion Regulation Survey for Adolescents (CERSA) : How does emotion regulation vary according to context ? The British Journal of Developmental Psychology. (Scimago Q2) OSKAR
  • Fombouchet, Y., Pineau, S., Perchec, C., Lucenet, J., & Lannegrand, L. (2023). The development of emotion regulation in adolescence : What do we know and where to go next ? Social Development. (Scimago Q1) OSKAR
  • FOURGASSIE, L., SUBRA, B., & SANITIOSO, R. B. (2023). Stereotype Content of North African Men and Women in France and Its Relation to Aggression [Article de revue]. In Social Psychology Quarterly. OSKAR (Q1)
  • Fournier, H., Calcagni, N., Morice-Picard, F. & Quintard, B. (2023). Psychosocial implications of rare genetic skin diseases affecting appearance on daily life experiences, emotional state, self-perception and quality of life in adults: a systematic review. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. OSKAR SCIMAGO Q1
  • Garrouteigt, C., Gana, K. & Décamps, G. (2023). Travail cognitivo-émotionnel chez des patients en soins palliatifs : étude de la réminiscence et du silence. Pratiques psychologiques, 29 (1), pp: 23-43. OSKAR Q4
  • Gay, A., Pascual, A., Salanova, T. & Felonneau, M.L. (2023). What about using nudges to reduce cigarette butts pollution? Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. (Q2)
  • Lankester, L.-A., & Alexopoulos, T. (2023). Black Lives Matter… but to Whom? An Examination of Nationally-Grounded Determinants of Black Lives Matter Support. International Review of Social Psychology, 36(1), DOI: (Q1)
  • Larrieu, M., Fombouchet, Y., Billieux, J., & Decamps, G. (2023). How gaming motives affect the reciprocal relationships between video game use and quality of life: A prospective study using objective playtime indicators. Computers in Human Behaviors, 147, 107824, NR OSKAR
  • Lucenet, J., & Blaye, A. (2023). Contextual adaptation of cognitive flexibility in kindergartners and fourth graders. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 227, 105586. (Scimago Q1)
  • M BAILARA, K., ECHEGARAY, F., & DI SIMPLICIO, M. (2023). What’s in the mind’s eye of individuals with bipolar disorders: An exploration of the content and characteristics of mental images in different thymic phases [Article de revue]. In Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy (pp. 1–16). OSKAR Q2
  • McKay, S., Freeman, E., Lannegrand, L., Skues, J. & Wise, L. (24 Nov 2023). Exploring Turning Point Narratives of International Exchange Students to Identify the Experiences that Promote Perceived Growth and Identity Development. Identity, DOI: 10.1080/15283488.2023.2285444 (Q2)
  • Mercier, C., Florin, A., Zanna, O. et Constans, S. (2023). Bien-être scolaire et relations sociales des collé au temps de la Covid-19. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 20(2). NR OSKAR
  • Pillaud, N., & Ric, F. (2023). The impact of minimal exposure to affective information on mood and its moderation by prime visibility: A meta-analysis. Cognition & Emotion, 37, 182-195. (Q2)
  • Pillaud, N., Ballot, C., Robert, C., Mathey, S., & Ric, F. (2023). Is the approach avoidance compatibility effect moderated by word imageability? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(6), 1281-1294. (Q2) OSKAR
  • Pouyaud, J., & Angel, V. (2023). Between Norms and Margins: The ‘Norms-Fringe-Margins’ model (NFM). A dynamic model of psychosocial self-construction through an expanded notion of Working. Australian Journal of Career Development. DOI: 10.1177/10384162231197562 (Q3) OSKAR
  • Régnier-Loilier, A., & Baude, A. (sous presse). Children’s Residence after Parental Separation: Arrangement Diversity and Associated Factors in Quebec. Population. (Q2) OSKAR
  • Rougier, M., Schmitz, M., Nuel, I., Fayant, M-.P., Subra, B., Alexopoulos, T., & Yzerbyt, V. (In principle acceptance). It is not only whether I approach but also why I approach: The role of action framing in approach/avoidance training effects. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. (Q1)
  • [Antonin Carrier] Sorokowski, P., Kowal, M., Sternberg, R. J., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alhabahba, M. M., ... & Sorokowska, A. (2023). Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countries. Scientific reports, 13(1), 773. (Q1)
  • Stadelmaier, N., Ceccaldi, J., Duguey-Cachet, O., & Quintard, B. (2023). Quand le lieu de travail devient le lieu d’accueil d’un proche atteint de cancer : quelles interactions entre aidant, patient, soignants ? Bulletin de Cancer. OSKAR SCIMAGO Q3
  • SUBRA, B. (2023). Why narcissists are more likely to be aggressive? The role of hostile attribution bias [Article de revue]. In International Journal of Psychology (Vol. 58, Issue 6, pp. 518–525). OSKAR Q1
  • Szczuka, Z., Siwa, M., Abraham, C., Baban, A., Brooks, S., Cipolletta, S., Danso, E, Dombrowski, S.U., Gan, Y., Gaspar, T., Gaspar de Matos, M., Griva, K., Jongenelis, M., Keller, J., Knoll, N., Ma, J., Abdul Awal Miah, M., Morgan, K., Peraud, W., Quintard, B., Shah, V., Schenkel, K., Scholz, U., Schwarzer, R., Siwa, M., Szymanski, K., Taut, D., Tomaino, S.C.M., Vilchinsky, N., Wolf, H. & Luszczynska, A. (2023). Handwashing adherence during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study based on protection motivation theory. Social Science & Medicine. 317, 1-11. . [all co-last authors] SCIMAGO Q1 OSKAR
  • Tapia, G., Kaouane, N., Hingray, C., & El-Hage, W. (2023). L'amnésie dissociative dans le Trouble de Stress Post-Traumatique: Analyse de la validité scientifique d'un phénomène psychologique controversé. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 7(1), 100314.  Q2(Clinical Psychology)/Scimago-Scopus OSKAR
  • VALERY, K.-M., FOURNIER, T., VIOLEAU, L., GUIONNET, S., BONILLA-GUERRERO, J., CARIA, A., CARRIER, A., DESTAILLATS, J.-M., FOLLENFANT, A., LABERON, S., LALBIN-WANDER, N., MARTINEZ, E., QUEMPER, D., STAEDEL, B., TOUROUDE, R., VIGNEAULT, L., & PROUTEAU, A. (2023). When Mental Health Care Is Stigmatizing: A Participative Study in Schizophrenia [Article de revue]. In Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal (Vol. 46, Issue 3, pp. 232–242). OSKAR (Q2)
  • Vancappel, A., Tapia, G., Clarys, D., Raysseguier, C., & El-Hage, W. (2023). Association between cognitive impairments and dissociation: A PRISMA systematic review, European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 3(7), 100341. ISSN 2468-7499, . Q2(Clinical Psychology)/Scimago-Scopus OSKAR
  • Véniant, E., Langlais, Y., & Tagu, J. (2023). De la difficulté scolaire au bien-être scolaire : un parcours innovant organisé et animé par le conseiller principal d'éducation. Reliance : Revue de Recherche et Pratiques en Éducation, 2, 73-96. (NR) OSKAR
  • Visalli, M., Dubois, M., Schlich, P., Ric, F., Cardebat, J.M., & Georgantzis, N. (2023). A dataset on the sensory and affective perception of Bordeaux and Rioja red wines collected from French and Spanish consumers at home and international wine students in the lab. Data in Brief. 108873. (Q2)
  • Visalli, M., Dubois, M., Schlich, P., Ric, F., Cardebat, J.M., & Georgantzis, N. (2023). Relevance of free-comment to describe wine temporal description: An application with panels varying in culture and expertise. Food Quality and Preference, 105, 104785. (Q1)


Articles parus dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • BALLOT, C., MATHEY, S., & ROBERT, C. (2022). Age-related evaluations of imageability and subjective frequency for 1286 neutral and emotional French words: ratings by young, middle-aged, and older adults. [Article de revue]. In Behavior Research Methods (Vol. 54, pp. 196–215). [PsycINFO; Scimago : Q1]
  • BALLOT, C., ROBERT, C., & MATHEY, S. (2022). Word imageability influences the emotionality effect in episodic memory [Article de revue]. In Cognitive Processing (Vol. 23, Issue 4, pp. 655–660). [PsycINFO; Scimago : Q1] 
  • BARRAULT-COUCHOURON, M., BERACOCHEA, M., DORVAL, M., ALLAFORT, V., BARTHELEMY, V., GARGUIL, V., AURIACOMBE, M., BUSSIERES, E., & M BAILARA, K. (2022). Tobacco and alcohol consumption in women treated for breast cancer in a department of surgical oncology: Frequent behaviours to consider [Article de revue]. In Bulletin du cancer (Vol. 109, Issue 3, pp. 307–317). OSKAR Q3
  • BARRAULT-COUCHOURON, M., MICHELI, N., & SOUBEYRAN, P. (2022). Exploring Determinants of Interdisciplinary Collaboration within a Geriatric Oncology Setting: A Mixed-Method Study [Article de revue]. In Cancers (Vol. 14, Issue 6). [Q1 : oncology] OSKAR
  • Bergua, V., Koleck, M., Raoux, N., Rullier, L., Meillon, C., Ouvrard-Brouillou, C., Glize, B., Quintard, B. & Amieva, H. (2022). “Living with a Person with Aphasia”: a psychosocial program for informal caregivers of people with aphasia. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Doi : 10.1016/ SCIMAGO Q1
  • Biscond M, Revranche M, Navarro-Mateu F, Kovess-Masfety V, Husky MM. (In press) The effect of childhood adversities on the persistence of suicidal ideation and plans among college students: a longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders [Q1 : clinical psychology]
  • BISCOND, M., REVRANCHE, M., & HUSKY, M. (2022). Measuring adolescents’ use of social media: A systematic review [Article de revue]. In L’Encéphale (Vol. 48, Issue 3, pp. 335–348). [Q2 : psychiatry and mental health] OSKAR
  • Calcagni, N., Fournier, H., Gana, K. & Quintard, B. (2022). Les Effets d’une intervention musicale en soins palliatifs : intérêt d’un protocole à cas unique à baseline multiples. Médecine Palliative. OSKAR . SCIMAGO Q3
  • Calcagni, N., Venier, A.G., Nasso, R., Boudin, G., Jarrige, B., Parneix, P. & Quintard, B. (2022). Respiratory infection prevention: perceptions, barriers and facilitators after SARS-CoV-2. Infection, Disease & Health. OSKAR SCIMAGO Q1
  • Camblats, A.-M., Gobin, P. & Mathey, S. (2022) The influence of negative orthographic neighborhood in the lexical decision task: Valence and arousal contributions. Language and Speech, 65(3), 740-754. ISSN: 0023-8309 , 1756-6053; DOI: 10.1177/00238309211061090 (Q1 Linguistics and language) [Scopus]
  • CAMBLATS, A.-M., MATHEY, S., & ROBERT, C. (2022). Le voisinage orthographique influence la catégorisation de couleur des mots différemment selon l’âge et la vitesse de traitement [Article de revue]. In Psychologie Française [Q4] (Vol. 67, Issue 1, pp. 49–59). [Scopus]
  • CANGIALOSI, N., ODOARDI, C., & BATTISTELLI, A. (2022). Problem-solving, learning through experimentation, and organizational tenure: a moderated mediation model of idea generation [Article de revue]. In Le travail humain (Vol. 85, Issue 1, pp. 33–50). OSKAR Q3
  • Carrizales, A., Gülseven, Z., & Lannegrand, L. (2022). The Mediating Role of Empathy in the Links Between Relationships with Three Socialisation Agents and Adolescents’ Prosocial Behaviours. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. DOI: 10.1177/02654075221099652 (SJR Q1) OSKAR
  • Caumeil, B., Edouard, P. & Décamps, G. (2022). Adaptation et validation francophone du Re-injury Anxiety Inventory : Le Questionnaire d’Anxiété de Re-Blessure (RIAI-F). Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, 39(4), pp229-238 [Q4 : sport science] OSKAR
  • Chevalère, J., Camblats, A-M., Laurier, V., Mourre, F, Estival, S, & Postal, V (2022). The influence of emotional contexts on mental flexibility in Prader-Willi syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 66(1-2), pp. 133-150 (Q1: Rehabilitation). [Scopus]
  • Chevalier, A., Bartolo, A., Chekroun, P. … Quintard, B., Trouillet, R., Untas, A., Van de Leemput, C. (2022). La pandémie COVID-19 : changements de modes de vie et répercussions psychologiques. Introduction N° thématique COVID-19. Psychologie Française. SCIMAGO Q3 OSKAR
  • Chevrier, B. & Lannegrand, L. (2022). Leaving the family home to start university: How is home-leaving related to family environment and attachment? Current Psychology, Advance online publication.  (SJR Q2) OSKAR
  • CHEVRIER, B., & LANNEGRAND, L. (2022). Ajustement psychologique en première année universitaire: Identification de profils longitudinaux en lien avec la satisfaction et la frustration des besoins psychologiques de base. [Article de revue]. In Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. OSKAR Q3 Psychinfo
  • CHEVRIER, B., & LANNEGRAND, L. (2022). The relationship between academic motivation and basic psychological needs within the freshman year context: a longitudinal person-oriented approach [Article de revue]. In European Journal of Psychology of Education. OSKAR Q1
  • Colombani, F., Enkrenaz, G., Sibé, M., Quintard, B., Ravaud, A. & Saillour-Glénisson, F. (2022). Development of an evidence-based reference framework for care coordination with a focus on the micro level of integrated care: a mixed method design study combining scoping review of reviews and nominal group technique. Health Policy. SCIMAGO Q1
  • DE RIVAZ, R., SWENDSEN, J., BERTHOZ, S., HUSKY, M., MERIKANGAS, K., & MARQUES VIDAL, P. (2022). Associations between Hunger and Psychological Outcomes: A Large-Scale Ecological Momentary Assessment Study [Article de revue]. In Nutrients (Vol. 14, Issue 23, p. 5167). OSKAR Q1
  • Demers, V., Leanza, Y., Yampolsky, M., Brisset, C., Arsenault, S., Marquis, J.-P., Rhéaume, A., Jones-Lavallée, A., Giroux, D., Gagnon, R., Tétreault, S., Gulfi, A., & Kühne, N. (2022). Context and consequences of helping-profession students’ intercultural experiences before they enter profession. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 91, 200-2015. [Q2 : social psychology][DOI:] OSKAR
  • Dujardin, E., & Mathey, S. (2022).The neighbourhood frequency effect in naming is influenced by substituted-letter confusability and lexical skills. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 34(8), 947-961. ISSN: 2044-5911 , 2044-592X; DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2022.2099873 (Q3 Psychology) [Scopus]
  • Dujardin, E., Jobard, G., Vahine, T., & Mathey, S. (2022). Norms of vocabulary, reading, and spelling tests in French university students. Behavior Research Methods. 54, 1611–1625 (Q1 Psychology) [Scopus]
  • Faury, S. & Quintard, B. (2022). Le parcours psychologique du patient stomisé. Revue de l’Infirmière. SCIMAGO Q3 OSKAR
  • Fournier, T. et Prouteau, A. (2022). La stigmatisation dans les pratiques neuropsychologiques : apports de la psychologie sociale en neuropsychologie. Les Cahiers de Neuropsychologie Clinique, 9, 94-101 [NR]
  • Grillault Laroche, D., Godin, O., Belzeaux, R., M'Bailara, K., Loftus, J., Courtet, P., Dubertret, C., Haffen, E., Llorca, P. M., Olie, E., Passerieux, C., Polosan, M., Schwan, R., FACE-BD collaborators, Leboyer, M., Bellivier, F., Marie-Claire, C., & Etain, B. (2022). Association between childhood maltreatment and the clinical course of bipolar disorders: A survival analysis of mood recurrences. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 10.1111/acps.13401. Advance online publication. [Q1]
  • Hasdenteufel, M. & Quintard, B. (2022). Dyadic experiences and psychosocial management of couples facing advanced cancer: a systematic review of the literature. Frontiers in Psychology. OSKAR SCIMAGO Q1
  • HASDENTEUFEL, M., & QUINTARD, B. (2022). Psychosocial factors affecting the bereavement experience of relatives of palliative-stage cancer patients: a systematic review. [Article de revue]. In BMC Palliative Care (Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 1–25). [Q1] OSKAR
  • Husky, M. M., Bitfoi, A., Carta, M. G., Goelitz, D., Koç, C., Lesinskiene, S., Mihova, Z., Otten, R., & Kovess-Masfety, V. (2022). Bullying involvement and suicidal ideation in elementary school children across Europe. Journal of Affective Disorders, 299, 281-286. [Q1 : clinical psychology] OSKAR
  • Husky, M. M., Sadikova, E., Lee, S., Alonso, J., Auerbach, R. P., Bantjes, J., Bruffaerts, R., Cuijpers, P., Ebert, D. D., Garcia, R. G., Hasking, P., Mak, A., McLafferty, M., Sampson, N. A., Stein, D. J., & Kessler, R. C. (2022). Childhood adversities and mental disorders in first-year college students: results from the World Mental Health International College Student Initiative. Psychological Medicine, 1-11. [Q1 : applied psychology] OSKAR
  • HUSKY, M., BITFOI, A., CHAN-CHEE, C., CARTA, M. G., GOELITZ, D., KOC, C., LESINSKIENE, S., MIHOVA, Z., OTTEN, R., SHOJAEI, T., & KOVESS-MASFETY, V. (2022). Self-reported fears and mental health in elementary school children across Europe [Article de revue]. In European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. [Q1 : developmental and educational psychology]
  • HUSKY, M., VILLENEUVE, R., TABUE TEGUO, M., ALONSO, J., BRUFFAERTS, R., SWENDSEN, J., & AMIEVA, H. (2022). Nursing home workers’ mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in France [Article de revue]. In Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (Vol. 23, Issue 7, pp. 1095–1100). [Q1]
  • Idier, L., Godest, C., Calcagni, N., Lasseur C., Prezelin-Reydit, M., Chauveau, P. & Quintard, B. (2022). Impact d’une prise en charge par hypnose sur le vécu et l’observance des recommandations hydriques en hémodialyse : résultats d’un protocole cas unique chez deux patients. Pratiques Psychologiques,  SCIMAGO Q3
  • Janota, M., Kovess-Masfety, V., Gobin-Bourdet, C., & Husky, M. M. (2022). Use of mental health services and perceived barriers to access services among college students with suicidal ideation. Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. [Q3 : clinical psychology] OSKAR
  • JOHANNESSON, O. I., KRISTJANSSON, A., & TAGU, J. (2022). Contrasting attentional biases in a saccadic choice task [Article de revue]. In Experimental Brain Research [Q3] (Vol. 240, pp. 173–187).  [Scopus]
  • KAUFMANN, M., ALEXOPOULOS, T., & BLAISON, C. (2022). Norms for Various Aspects of the Emotional Evaluation of Personality Traits [Article de revue]. In Diagnostica (Vol. 68, Issue 3, pp. 115–124). OSKAR Q3
  • KOVESS-MASFETY, V., ESTER, W. A., WILD, K., BITFOI, A., GOELITZ, D., LESINSKIENE, S., MIHOVA, Z., OTTEN, R., & HUSKY, M. (2022). Mental health problems, low birthweight and academic achievement in mathematics and reading [Article de revue]. In Current Psychology (Vol. 41, Issue 5, pp. 2810–2820). OSKAR Q2
  • KOVESS-MASFETY, V., WOODWARD, M. J., KEYES, K., BITFOI, A., CARTA, M. G., KOC, C., LESINSKIENE, S., MIHOVA, Z., OTTEN, R., & HUSKY, M. (2022). Correction to: Gender, the gender gap, and their interaction; analysis of relationships with children’s mental health problems [Article de revue]. In Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (Vol. 57, Issue 1, pp. 219–219). OSKAR Q1
  • Labarre, H., & Felonneau, M. L. (2022). Environmental threat in France: Two studies testing the effect of threatening messages on system justification and environmental denial. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. [Q1]
  • Larrieu, M., Billieux, J. & Décamps, G. (2022). Problematic gaming and quality of life in online competitive videogame players : identification of motivational profiles. Addictive behaviors, [Q1 : clinical Psychology] OSKAR
  • LAULAN, P., CATHELINE, G., MAYO, W., ROBERT, C., & MATHEY, S. (2022). Age-related positivity effect: Distinct mechanisms for lexical access and episodic memory of emotional words [Article de revue]. In Psychology and Aging [Q1 : social psychology ; Q2 : Aging] (Vol. 37, Issue 8, pp. 913–928). [PsycINFO; Scimago : Q1]
  • LEBOYER, M., GODIN, O., LLORCA, P.-M., AUBIN, V., BELLIVIER, F., BELZEAUX, R., COURTET, P., COSTAGLIOLA, D., DUBERTRET, C., M BAILARA, K., HAFFEN, E., HENRY, C., LAOUAMRI, H., PASSERIEUX, C., PELLETIER, A., POLOSAN, M., ROUX, P., SCHWAN, R., SAMALIN, L., … ETAIN, B. (2022). Key findings on bipolar disorders from the longitudinal FondaMental Advanced Center of Expertise-Bipolar Disorder (FACE-BD) cohort [Article de revue]. In Journal of Affective Disorders (Vol. 307, pp. 149–156). [Q1 : clinical psychology] OSKAR
  • Lucenet, J., & Blaye, A. (2023). Contextual adaptation of cognitive flexibility in kindergartners and fourth graders. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 227,105586 (Scimago Q1) [Scopus]
  • Luszczynska, A., Szczuka, Z., Abraham, C., Baban, A., Brooks, S., Cipolletta, S., Danso, E, Dombrowski, S.U., Gan, Y., Gaspar, T., Gaspar de Matos, M., Griva, K., Jongenelis, M., Keller, J., Knoll, N., Ma, J., Abdul Awal Miah, M., Morgan, K., Peraud, W., Quintard, B., Shah, V., Schenkel, K., Scholz, U., Schwarzer, R., Siwa, M., Szymanski, K., Taut, D., Tomaino, S.C.M., Vilchinsky, N., & Wolf, H. (2022). The Interplay Between Strictness of Policies and Individuals’ Self-Regulatory Efforts: Associations with Handwashing During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 56(4), 368–380 [all co-last authors] [Q1 - psychology]
  • McKay, S., Lannegrand, L., Skues, J. & Wise, L. (2022). Identity development during student exchange: A longitudinal multilevel analysis of identity processes in emerging adults. Identity,22,3, 213-229.DOI: 10.1080/15283488.2021.2014843 (SJR Q2) OSKAR
  • McKay, S., Lannegrand, L., Skues, J. & Wise, L. (2022). International experience and cultural intelligence development: A longitudinal assessment of Australian and French exchange students. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 91, 56-69. [Q2 : social psychology]  OSKAR
  • Micheli, N., Porcelli, P. Barrault-Couchoron, M., Dantzer, C. (in press). Does the practice of mindfulness reduce somatic symptoms and Covid-19-related anxiety ? A community-based survey. Frontiers in Psychology. [Q1] DOI :  OSKAR
  • MUNUERA, C., COMPAGNONE, P., HUSKY, M. M., LEBOURLEUX, P., PETIT, F., & M’BAILARA, K. (2022). Improving the Assessment Process of Family Functioning in Adult Bipolar Disorders: A PRISMA Systematic Review [Article de revue]. In Journal of Clinical Medicine (Vol. 11, Issue 3, p. 841). [Q1] OSKAR
  • NICOLAS, G., FISKE, S. T., KOCH, A., IMHOFF, R., UNKELBACH, C., TERACHE, J., CARRIER, A., & YZERBYT, V. (2022). Relational versus structural goals prioritize different social information. [Article de revue]. In Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 122, Issue 4, pp. 659–682). OSKAR Q1
  • Nuel, I., Fayant, M.-P., Morgado, N., Subra, B., Alexopoulos, T. (2022). The (Virtual) Reality of Social Approach-Avoidance Behaviours: Operationalisation Development and Construct Validity Testing. Collabra: Psychology, 8(1). [Q1] 10.1525/collabra.34197.
  • ODOARDI, C., CANGIALOSI, N., & BATTISTELLI, A. (2022). HR training practices and innovative work behaviour: a moderated mediation model [Article de revue]. In International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management (Vol. 22, Issues 1–2, pp. 1–18). OSKAR Q4
  • PENA JIMENEZ, M. (2022). (Re)constructing the visual and digital identity of the Puerto Rican Journal of Psychology [Article de revue]. In Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología - "puerto rican journal of psychology (Vol. 33, Issue 1, pp. 204–207). [NR]
  • Peraud, W., Hebrard, L., Lavandier, A., Brockbanck-Chasey, S. Brennstuhl, M.-J. & Quintard, B. (2022). French cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ) in a French community sample. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, VOL. 13, 2152109. OSKAR SCIMAGO Q1
  • Perchec, C. & Lannegrand, L. (2022). Accompagner la préparation de la transition vers l’enseignement supérieur des adolescents présentant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme sans déficience intellectuelle : le rôle central de l’autodétermination. L’Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 51, 3, 591-622. [Q4 : Developmental and educational psychology] OSKAR
  • PILLAUD, N., & RIC, F. (2022). Generalized Approach/Avoidance Responses to Degraded Affective Stimuli: An Informational Account [Article de revue]. In Social Cognition (Vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 29–54). [Q2 : social psychology]
  • Plasonja, N., Brytek-Matera, A. & Décamps, G. (2022). Psychological profiles of treatment-seeking adults with overweight and obesity : a cluster analysis approach.  Journal of clinical medicine, 11(07), 1952 [Q1] OSKAR :
  • POHL, S., BATTISTELLI, A., DJEDIAT, A., & ANDELA, M. (2022). Emotional support at work: A key component for nurses’ work engagement, their quality of care and their organizational citizenship behaviour [Article de revue]. In International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences (Vol. 16, p. 100424). OSKAR Q3
  • PONCE, C., ALCORTA, M., CONSTANS, S., ROUYER, V., & LUCENET, J. (2022). Distancing strategies in child-mother dyads: effect of mother’s education and children’s sex [Article de revue]. In European Journal of Psychology of Education (Vol. 37, Issue 4, pp. 1051–1068). (Scimago Q1) [Scopus]
  • Quesque, F., Nivet, M., Etchepare, A., Wauquiez, G., Prouteau, A., Desgranges, B. et Bertoux, M. (2022). Social cognition in neuropsychology : A nationwide survey revealing current representations and practices. Applied neuropsychology : adult. [Q3 Psychology]
  • RAULT, A., & DECAMPS, G. (2022). Validation of French scales measuring motivation to drink within the general student population and sports [Article de revue]. In Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science (Vol. 54, Issue 3, pp. 241–248). OSKAR [NR]
  • REVRANCHE, M., BISCOND, M., & HUSKY, M. (2022). Investigating the relationship between social media use and body image among adolescents: A systematic review [Article de revue]. In L’Encéphale (Vol. 48, Issue 2, pp. 206–218). OSKAR Q3
  • Revranche, M., Hauw, M. E., Kovess-Masfety, V., & Husky, M. M. (2022). Social Support, Social Isolation and Mastery Among Adults Exposed to Traumatic Events. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 1-20. [Q2 : Clinical Psychology] OSKAR
  • Risch, N.; Dubois, J.; M’bailara, K.; Cussac, I.; Etain, B.; Belzeaux, R.; Dubertret, C.; Haffen, E.; Schwan, R.; Samalin, L.; Roux, P.; Polosan, M.; Leboyer, M.; Courtet, P.; Olié, E.; on behalf of the FondaMental Advanced Centers of Expertise in Bipolar Disorders Collaborators. Self-Reported Pain and Emotional Reactivity in Bipolar Disorder: A Prospective FACE-BD Study. J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 893. [Q1] OSKAR
  • SANTO, L. D., PENA JIMENEZ, M., CANZAN, F., SAIANI, L., & BATTISTELLI, A. (2022). The emotional side of the e-learning among nursing students: The role of the affective correlates on e-learning satisfaction [Article de revue]. In Nurse Education Today (Vol. 110, p. 105268). [Q1] OSKAR
  • Stadelmaier, N., Assemat, L., Paternostre, B., Bartholome, C., Duguey-Cachet, O. & Quintard, B. (2022). Supporting family members in palliative phases of cancer: a qualitative study comparing healthcare professionals and non-healthcare professionals. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 24(2). OSKAR doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000827 SCIMAGO Q1
  • Szczuka, Z., Siwa, M., Abraham, C., Baban, A., Brooks, S., Cipolletta, S., Danso, E, Dombrowski, S.U., Gan, Y., Gaspar, T., Gaspar de Matos, M., Griva, K., Jongenelis, M., Keller, J., Knoll, N., Ma, J., Abdul Awal Miah, M., Morgan, K., Peraud, W., Quintard, B., Shah, V., Schenkel, K., Scholz, U., Schwarzer, R., Siwa, M., Szymanski, K., Taut, D., Tomaino, S.C.M., Vilchinsky, N., Wolf, H. & Luszczynska, A. (2023). Handwashing adherence during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study based on protection motivation theory. Social Science & Medicine. 317, 1-11. [all co-last authors] SCIMAGO Q1
  • TAGU, J., & KRISTJANSSON, A. (2022). The selection balance: Contrasting value, proximity and priming in a multitarget foraging task [Article de revue]. In Cognition [Q1 : experimental and cognitive psychology] (Vol. 218). [Scopus]
  • Turcotte, C., Baude, A. & Lavoie, K. (2022). Les écrans chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire et leurs habiletés sociales : exploration de différents types d’utilisation des écrans et du rôle modérateur de la médiation parentale. Service social, 68(2), 143–159. NR OSKAR
  • Valery, K-M., Puyau, M., Meunier, S., et Prouteau, A. (2022). Stigmatisation dans les pratiques en psychiatrie : stéréotype d’incompétence chez les neuropsychologues. Les Cahiers de Neuropsychologie Clinique, 9, 102-109. [NR]
  • Valery, KM., Violeau, L., Fournier, T., Yvon, F., …Roux, S., Prouteau, A. (2022). Part of the solution yet part of the problem: Factors of schizophrenia stigma in mental health professionals. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, Oct 6:1-11. [Q2 Psychology]
  • Vasiliadis, H.-M., Léon, C., du Roscoät, E., & Husky, M. M. (2022). Predisposing, enabling and need factors associated with past-year health service use for mental health reasons in adults with suicidal ideation in France. Journal of Affective Disorders, 319, 62-69. [Q1 : clinical psychology] OSKAR
  • VINCENT, Y., & LANNEGRAND, L. (2022). The Role of Social Media Emotional Experiences in Identity Construction: Exploring Links between Micro-identity Processes [Article de revue]. In Identity (Vol. 22, Issue 1, pp. 65–81). OSKAR Q1
  • YYzerbyt, V., Barbedor, J., Carrier, A., & Rohmer, O. (2022). The Facets of Social Hierarchy: How Judges’ Legitimacy Beliefs and Relative Status Shape Their Evaluation of Assertiveness and Ability. International Review of Social Psychology, 35(1), 18. DOI: [Q1]



Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • Ballot, C., Mathey, S., & Robert, C. (2021). Word imageability and orthographic neighbourhood effects on memory: A study in free recall and recognition. Memory, 6, 829-834.  doi: 10.1080/09658211.2021.1921216. Q2 [Scopus]
  • Battistelli, A., Odoardi, C., Cangialosi, N., Di Napoli, G., Piccione, L. (2021 – sous presse) The role of image expectations in linking organizational climate and innovative work behaviour, European Journal of Innovation Management, 2021 Q2 OSKAR
  • Cangialosi, N., Battistelli, A., Odoardi, C. (2021 – sous presse) Designing innovative jobs: a fuzzy-set configurational analysis of job characteristics Personnel Review, 2021 Q2 OSKAR
  • Cangialosi, N., Odoardi, C., Battistelli, A., Baldaccini, A. (2021) The social side of innovation: When and why advice network centrality promotes innovative work behaviours, Creativity and Innovation Management, 2021, 30(2), pp. 336–347 Q1 OSKAR
  • CAPDEVILLE, M.-J., AÏT-AÏSSA, S., BARILLON, B., BARRAULT, J., BAUDRIMONT, M., BERTUCCI, A., BOTTA, F., BUDZINSKI, H., CARRERE, G., COYNEL, A., CREUSOT, N., CRUZ, J., DACHARY-BERNARD, J., DUFOUR, V., FELONNEAU, M.-L., GARDIA PAREGE, C., GOMBERT-COURVOISIER, S., GOURVES, P.-Y., GREAUD, L., … CHAMBOLLE, M. (2021). To identify and reduce micropollutants at source - Feedback from the Regard project (Bordeaux Metropolis) [Article de revue]. In Techniques - Sciences - Methodes (Vol. 116, Issue 3, pp. 13–28). OSKAR Q4
  • Carosin, E., Canzittu, D., Loisy, C. et al. [Pouyaud, J.,] (2021) Developing lifelong guidance and counselling prospective by addressing individual and collective experience of humanness, humanity and the world. Int J Educ Vocat Guidance . Q3 OSKAR
  • Carrizales, A., Branje, S., & Lannegrand, L.  (2021). Disentangling Between- and Within-person Associations between Empathy and Prosocial Behaviour during Early Adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 93, 114-125. (PsycINFO - SJR Q1) OSKAR
  • Chevrier, B. & Lannegrand, L. (2021). Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS) : Validation de l’adaptation française auprès d’étudiants de première année. Psychologie Française, 66(3), 289-301.   [PsycINFO - SJR Q3]. OSKAR
  • Chevrier, B. & Lannegrand, L. (2021). The relationship between academic motivation and basic psychological needs within the freshman year context: a longitudinal person-oriented approach. European Journal of Psychology of Education. (PsycINFO - SJR Q2)
  • Chevrier, B. & Lannegrand, L. (2021, accepted). “How does university entrance selection influence academic motivation? A comparative study”: Journal of College Student Development (PsycINFO - SJR Q1) OSKAR
  • De Wilde, M., Carrier, A., Casini, A., Demoulin, S. (2021) The Drawback of Sexual Empowerment: Perceiving Women as Emancipated but Still as Sexual Objects, Sex Roles, 2021, 84(9-10), pp. 626–643 Q1
  • Déprez, G. R. M., Battistelli, A., & Vandenberghe, C. (2021). Linking proactive behavior and constructive deviance to affective commitment and turnover intention: The mediating role of idea championing. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-23. OSKAR Q2
  • Déprez, G. R. M., Bazine, N., Fréour, L., Pena-Jimenez, M., Cangialosi, N., & Battistelli, A. (2021). From feedback seeking to psychological attachment, the mediating role of adaptive performance in perceived obstruction context. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 24, E1. Q3 OSKAR
  • ESTIVAL, S., CHEVALERE, J., LAURIER, V., MOURRE, F., TRICOT, J., & POSTAL, V. (2021). Study of the deficit in planning abilities of adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome [Article de revue]. In Research in Developmental Disabilities (Vol. 117, p. 104056). OSKAR Q2
  • ESTIVAL, S., LAURIER, V., MOURRE, F., & POSTAL, V. (2021). Improvement of Planning Abilities in Adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Article de revue]. In Developmental Neurorehabilitation (Vol. 24, Issue 7, pp. 478–493). OSKAR Q2
  • Fondeville, B., Beaumatin, A., Constans, S., & Rouyer, V. (à paraître). Socialisation et expériences de la citoyenneté des enfants. Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres, n° 88, Les adolescents et leurs engagements. [NR] OSKAR
  • Fréour, L., Pohl, S., Battistelli, A. (2021 – sous presse) How Digital Technologies Modify the Work Characteristics: A Preliminary Study, Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2021, e14 Q3 OSKAR
  • Hauw, M. E., Revranche, M., Kovess-Masfety, V., & Husky, M. M. (2021). Sexual and Nonsexual Interpersonal Violence, Psychiatric Disorders, and Mental Health Service Use. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 34, 416-426. (Q1: Clinical Psychology)
  • Husky M.M., Kovess-Masfety V, Gobin-Bourdet C, Swendsen JD. (2021) Prior depression predicts greater stress during COVID-19 mandatory lockdown among college students in France. Comprehensive Psychiatry,  (Q1: Psychiatry and mental health) OSKAR
  • Husky, M. M., Pietrzak, R. H., Marx, B. P., & Mazure, C. M. (2021). Research on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review of Methods and Implications in General Population Samples. Chronic Stress, 5, 24705470211051327. doi:  (Q1: Psychiatry and mental health) OSKAR
  • Laulan, P., Catheline, G., Mayo, W., Robert, C., & Mathey, S. (2021). The age-related positivity effect: forgetting the negative and/or remembering the positive? An inter-task study. Geriatrie et psychologie neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement, 10.1684/pnv.2021.0944. Advance online publication. [Q4]  [Pubmed]
  • LEANZA, Y., ROCQUE, R., BRISSET, C., & GAGNON, S. (2021). Training and Integrating Public Service Interpreters in a Refugee Health Clinic: A Mixed-Method Approach to Evaluate an Innovative Program [Article de revue]. In Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees (Vol. 37, Issue 2, pp. 106–123). OSKAR [NR]
  • Montani, F., Courcy, F., Battistelli, A., de Witte, H. (2021) Job insecurity and innovative work behaviour: A moderated mediation model of intrinsic motivation and trait mindfulness, Stress and Health, 2021, 37(4), pp. 742–754 Q2 (Applied psychology) OSKAR
  • Nicolas, G., Fiske, S. T., Koch, A., Imhoff, R., Unkelbach, C., Terache, J., Carrier, A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2021 sous presse). Relational Versus Structural Goals Prioritize Different Social Information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online publication. Q1
  • Odoardi, C., Battistelli, A., Velilla Guardela, J.L., ...Di Napoli, G., Piccione, L. (2021) Perceived organizational values and innovation: The role of transactive memory and age diversity in military teams, Military Psychology, 2021, 33(5), pp. 296–307 Q3 OSKAR
  • Olié, E., Husky, M.M., Bars, E. L., Deverdun, J., de Champfleur, N. M., Crespo, A. A., Swendsen, J., & Courtet, P. (2021). Prefrontal activity during experimental ostracism and daily psychache in suicide attempters. Journal of Affective Disorders. (Q1: Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Pascual, A., Salanova, T., Bouhassine, I., Denis-Rémis, C, priolo, D., Girandola, F. & Guéguen, N. (2021). Does “chaining” always work towards compliance gaining? The case of the “but you are free” technique and social proof applied to charitable donation. European Review of Applied Psychology, 71(3), 1-9. Q3
  • Peña-Jimenez, M., Battistelli, A., Odoardi, C., Antino, M. (2021) Exploring skill requirements for the industry 4.0: A worker-oriented approach | Explorando habilidades requeridas para la industria 4.0: un enfoque orientado al trabajador, Anales de Psicologia, 2021, 37(3), pp. 577–588 Q2 OSKAR
  • Petit, F., Munuera, C., Husky, M. M., & M’Bailara, K. (2021). Mental imagery in bipolar disorder: A PRISMA-compliant systematic review of its characteristics, content and relation to emotion. Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. doi:   [Q3 : clinical psychology] OSKAR
  • Plasonja, N. & Décamps, G. (2021). Validation française de l’échelle de mesure de l’orthorexie ORTO-15 et étude des liens avec les troubles des conduites alimentaires et l’image du corps. Psychologie Française, . Q3 OSKAR
  • Plasonja, N., Brytek-Matera, A. & Décamps, G. (2021). French validation of the Weight Efficacy Life-style questionnaire (WEL): Links with mood, self-esteem and stress among the general population and a clinical sample of individuals with overweight and obesity. Plos One, 16(11): . Q1 OSKAR
  • René De Cotret, F., Brisset, C., & Leanza, Y. (2021). A typology of healthcare interpreter positionings: When “neutral” means “proactive”. Interpreting: International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting, 23(1), 103-126. [DOI :] Q1 OSKAR
  • Rocque, R., Brisset, C., Gagnon, S. & Leanza, Y. (2021). Training and Integrating Public Service Interpreters in a Refugee Health Clinic: A Mixed-Method Approach to Evaluate an Innovative Program. Refuge : Canada’s Journal on Refugees, 37(2), 106-123. [DOI :] Q1
  • Sorokowska, A., Saluja, S., Sorokowski, P., ...Carrier, A., … Zupančič, M., Croy, I. (2021) Affective Interpersonal Touch in Close Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2021, 47(12), pp. 1705–1721 Q1
  • Sovet, L., Celume, M.-P., Constans, S., Florin, A., Guimard, P., Guirimand, N., Jacquin, J., & Nocus, I. (2021). Enquête sur le bien-être des enfants en France : Cadre conceptuel et méthodologique de la Children’s Worlds Survey. Sciences & Bonheur, 6, 13–34. [NR] OSKAR
  • SUBRA, B. (2021). The effect of anger on intentionality bias. In Aggressive Behavior (Vol. 47, Issue 4, pp. 464–471). Q1
  • Suitner, C., Maass, A., Navarrete, E., Formanowicz, M., Bratanova, B., Cervone, C., Hakoköngäs, J.E., Kuppens, T., Lipourli, E., Rakić, T., Scatolon, A., Teixeira, C.P., Wang, Z., Sobral, M.P., Carrier, A. (2021) Spatial agency bias and word order flexibility: A comparison of 14 European languages, 2021, Applied Psycholinguistics, 42 (3), pp. 657-671 DOI: 10.1017/S0142716420000831 Q2
  • THORNTON, I. M., TAGU, J., ZDRAVKOVIĆ, S., & KRISTJÁNSSON, A. (2021). The Predation Game: Does dividing attention affect patterns of human foraging? [Article de revue]. In Cognitive Research (Vol. 6, Issue 1). Q2 [PubMed]
  • Vincent, Y. & Lannegrand, L. (2021). The Role of Social Media Emotional Experiences in Identity Construction: Exploring Links between Micro-identity Processes, Identity, DOI: 10.1080/15283488.2021.2012181 (PsycINFO - SJR Q2)
  • Walter KV, Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, M., […] Carrier, A., […] (2021) Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios. Proc. R. Soc. Biological sciences 288: 20211115. Q1 (medicine)


Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • Alcorta, M., Ponce, C. & Foulin, J.N. (2020). Les effets du sexe sur les performances, l’intérêt et le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle en Mathématiques et en Français aux différents niveaux du système éducatif français. L’orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 29(1), 67-93.(Q4 : Developmental and Educational Psychology)
  • Arshad H, Husky MM, Goelitz D, Bitfoi A, Carta MG, Koç C, Lesinskiene S, Mihova Z, Otten R, Fermanian C, Kovess-Masfety V (2020). Birth rank as a determinant of academic achievement: Results from a European survey of primary school children. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1-20. (Q2 : Developmental and Educational Psychology)
  • Aubé, B., Follenfant, A., Goudeau, S., & Derguy, C. (2020). Public Stigma of Autism Spectrum Disorder at School: Implicit Attitudes Matter. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Doi : 10.1007/s10803-020-04635-9 (Q1, Developmental and Educational Psychology) (indexé dans Psycinfo)
  •  Aubé, B., Rougier, M., Muller, D., Ric, F, & Yzerbyt, V. (sous presse). The Online-VAAST: A short and online tool to measure spontaneous approach and avoidance tendencies.Acta Psychologica. (Q1 : Developmental and Educational Psychology)
  • Ballot, C., Robert, C,Postal, V., Sivilotti, L, Dugas, E., & Mathey, S. (in press) A study of student assessment of the lexical and emotional characteristics of cancer-related words". European Review of Applied Psychology. (Q4: Applied Psychology)
  • Bazine, N., Battistelli, A., Lagabrielle, C. (2020). Environnement psycho-technologique (EPT) et comportements d’apprentissage avec les technologies (CAT) : développement et adaptation française de deux mesures Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, 26, 330-343. Q4
  • Brytek-Matera, A., Plasonja, N. & Décamps, G. (2020). Assessing Orthorexia Nervosa: Validation of the Polish Version of the Eating Habits Questionnaire in a General Population Sample. Nutrients, 12(12):3820. doi: 10.3390/nu12123820. (ISSN 2072-6643, IF 4.546, CiteScore 5.2. Quartile1 for Food science. Quartile 1 for Nutrition and dietetics. Indexation Medline + Pubmed)
  • Cangialosi, N., Odoardi C., Battistelli, A. (2020). Learning Climate and Innovative Work Behavior, the Mediating Role of the Learning Potential of the WorkplaceVocations and Learning. 13, 263–280 (Q2 : Education)
  • Cangialosi, N., Odoardi C., Battistelli, A. (2020). A Three-way Interaction Model of Innovative Behavior, Task-related Learning and Job Characteristics. Performance Improvement Quarterly. 33(2), 153-172) (Q3 : Organizational behavior and human resource management).
  • Chevalère, J., Camblats, A-M., Laurier, V., Tauber, M., Thuilleaux, D, & Postal, V (2020). Study of decision-making capacity in Prader-Willi syndrome with a Gambling Task, Journal of Intellectual & developmental Disability, DOI: 10.3109/13668250.2020.1824613 (Q2: Psychology)
  • Chevalère, J., Camblats, A-M., Laurier, V., Mourre, F, Estival, S, & Postal, V (in press*). The influence of emotional contexts on mental flexibility in Prader-Willi syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (Q1: Rehabilitation). *sous presse en dec. 2020, publié en janvier 2021
  • Chevalère, J., Laurier, V., Tauber, M., Camblats, A-M., Thuilleaux, D., & Postal,V (2020). The use of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) to assess cognitive impairment in Prader-Willi syndrome. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, DOI:10.1108/AMHID-04-2020-0009 (Q3: Psychiatry and mental health).
  • Chevrier, B., Compagnone, P., Carrizales, A., Brisset, C., & Lannegrand, L. (2020, à paraître). Emerging adult self-perception and link with adjustment to academic context among French female college students. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology (Q3 : Applied psychology)
  • Chevrier, B. & Lannegrand, L. Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS) : Validation de l’adaptation française auprès d’étudiants de première année (sous presse). Psychologie Française. [PsycINFO - SJR Q3].
  • Consoloni, J.-L., M’Bailara, K., Perchec, C., Aouizerate, B., Aubin, V., Azorin, J.-M., Bellivier, F., Correard, N., Courtet, P., Dubertret, C., Etain, B., Gard, S., Haffen, E., Leboyer, M., Llorca, P.-M., Olié, E., Polosan, M., Roux, P., Schwan, R., … Belzeaux, R. (2020, in press). Trajectories of medication adherence in patients with Bipolar Disorder along 2 years-follow-up. Journal of Affective Disorders. [Q1]
  • Danias-Uraga, M. & Lannegrand, L. (2020, à paraître). Les usages numériques des adolescents : des profils diversifiés en lien avec leur identité personnelle. Enfance, 3. (Q4 : Developmental and Educational Psychology)
  • Déprez, G. R. M.Battistelli, A., Boudrias, J. S., & Cangialosi, N. (2020). Constructive deviance and proactive behaviors: two distinct approaches to change and innovation in the workplace. Le Travail Humain, 83(3), 257-267.  (Q4)
  • Déprez, G. R. M., Bazine, N., Fréour, L., Pena-Jimenez, M., Cangialosi, N., & Battistelli, A. (in press). From feedback seeking to psychological attachment, the mediating role of adaptive performance in perceived obstruction context. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. (Q3)
  • De Wilde, M., Carrier, A., Casini, A., & Demoulin, S. (2020). The Drawback of Sexual Empowerment: Perceiving Women as Emancipated but Still as Sexual Objects. Sex Roles, 1-18. (Q1 social psychology, IF 2019-20: 2.67)
  • Docteur, A., Mirabel-Sarron, C., Kaya Lefèvre, H., Sala, L., Husky, MM., Swendsen, J., & Gorwood, P. (2020). Role of autobiographical memory in the impact of mbct on dysfunctional attitudes, depressive symptoms and anxiety in bipolar i patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, 907-913. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2020.07.072 (Q1: Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Djediat, A., Battistelli, A., Pohl, S. (2020). Dissonance émotionnelle et bien-être dans la profession infirmière : le rôle médiateur des stratégies de régulation émotionnelle. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations. 26, 158-170 (Q4 : Social psychology)
  • Efendic, E., Drace, S., & Ric, F. (2020). The combination of multiple affective experiences and their impact on valuation judgments. Cognition & Emotion34, 684-699 (Q1 : Developmental and Educational Psychology).
  • El Haj, M., Philippe, A., Lucenet, J., & Ndobo, A. (2020). Better destination memory in females. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 16(3), 242-247. (Scimago Q2)
  • Etchepare, A., Roux, S., Destaillats, J.M., Cady, F., Fontanier, D., Couhet, G. & Prouteau, A., (sous presse). Éléments de validation du Protocole d'Évaluation de la Cognition Sociale de Bordeaux (PECS-B) en population générale et dans la schizophrénie. Annales médico-psychologiques.  (Q3 : Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Fournier, A., Mondillon, L., Luminet, O., Canini, F., Mathieu, N., Gauchez, A-S., Dantzer, C., Bonaz, B., Pellissier, S. (2020). Interoceptive abilities in inflammatory bowel diseases and irritable bowel syndrome. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 229. (Q1 : Psychiatry and Mental Health)
  • Gray, M., Thomas, Y., Bonassi, M., Elston, J., & Tapia, G. (2020). Cultural safety training for allied health students in Australia. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 1–10.  (Q3 : Education)
  • Hauw M, Revranche M, Kovess-Masfety V, Husky MM. (Accepted). Sexual and Nonsexual Interpersonal Violence, Psychiatric Disorders, and Mental Health Service Use. Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI: 10.1002/jts.22638 (Q1: Clinical Psychology)
  • Husky MM, Alvarez Fernandez V, Tapia G, Oprescu F, Navarro-Mateu F, Kovess-Masfety V. (2020) Mental disorders and medical conditions associated with causing injury or death: A population-based study. Psychiatry Research, (Q1 : Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Husky, M. M., Delbasty, E.*, Bitfoi, A., Carta, M. G., Goelitz, D., Koç, C., . . . Kovess-Masfety, V. (2020). Bullying involvement and self-reported mental health in elementary school children across Europe. Child Abuse Negl, 107, 104601. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104601 (Q1: Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Husky, M. M., Kovess-Masfety, V., & Swendsen, J. D. (2020). Stress and anxiety among university students in France during Covid-19 mandatory confinement. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 102, 152191. doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2020.152191 (Q1: Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Husky MM, Otten R , Boyd A, Pez O, Bitfoi A, Carta MG, Goelitz D, Koç C, Lesinskiene S, Mihova Z, Kovess-Masfety V. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire in children 5 to 12 across seven European countries. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36, 65-76. (Q2 : Applied Psychology)
  • Husky MM, Salamon R, Bitfoi A, Carta MG, Chan-Chee C, Goelitz D, Koç C, Mihova Z, Otten R, Lesinskiene S, Pez O, Shojaei T, Kovess-Masfety V. (In press) Self-reported mental health problems and performance in mathematics and reading and in children across Europe. European Journal of Developmental Psychology (Q2 : Developmental and educational psychology)
  • Husky MM, Zgueb Y, Ouali U, A Gonzalez CI, Piras M, Testa G, Maleci A, Mulas A, Montisci A, Nujedat S, Kalcev G. (2020). Principal Component Analysis of the Well-Being at Work and Respect for Human Rights Questionnaire (WWRRR) in the Mediterranean Region. Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health 16 (1) (Q3: Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Jean FAM, Sibon I, Couffinhal T, Husky MM, Swendsen JD. Feasibility and Validity of Ecological Momentary Assessment in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome. (Accepted). BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (Q2: Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine)
  • Koch, A., Imhoff, R., Unkelbach, C., Nicolas, G., Fiske, S., Terache, J., Carrier, A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2020). Groups' warmth is a personal matter: Understanding consensus on stereotype dimensions reconciles adversarial models of social evaluation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology89,  (Q1 : Social Psychology)
  • Kovess-Masfety V, Balusson F, Oger E, Leray E, Husky MM, Scailteux L-M. (In press). Prescription patterns of first and second generation antipsychotic drugs in the French population.Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology (Q2 : Pharmacology)
  • Kovess-Masfety V, Ester W, Keyes K, Bitfoi A, Goelitz D, Lesinskiene S, Mihova Z, Otten R, Husky MM. (In press) Mental health problems, Low birthweight and academic achievement in mathematics and reading. Current Psychology (Q2 : Psychology)
  • Kovess-Masfety, V., Woodward, M. J., Keyes, K., Bitfoi, A., Carta, M. G., Koç, C., Lesinskiene, S., Mihova, Z., Otten, R. and Husky, M. (2020). Gender, the gender gap, and their interaction; analysis of relationships with children’s mental health problems. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. doi:10.1007/s00127-020-01950-5 (Q1: Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Laulan, P., Catheline, G., Mayo, M., Robert, C., & Mathey, S. (sous presse). L’effet de positivité  lié à l’âge : oublier le négatif et/ou se rappeler du positif ? Une étude inter-tâches. Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement [Scimago : Q4]
  • McKay, S., Lannegrand-Willems, L., Skues, J. & Wise, L. (in press). Identity Development During Student Exchange: A Qualitative Study of Students’ Perspectives on the Processes of Change. Emerging Adulthood. [PsycINFO - SJR Q2].
  • Munuera, C., Roux, P., Weil, F., Passerieux, C., & M'Bailara, K. (2020). Determinants of the remission heterogeneity in bipolar disorders: The importance of early maladaptive schemas (EMS). Journal of affective disorders, 277, 857–868. (Q1 Clinal psychology) PUBMED
  • Munuera C, Weil F, Minois I, Zanouy L, Gard S, Roux P, M'Bailara K. (2020). Exploring Early Maladaptative Schema (EMS) in adults with bipolar disorder: A systematic review of the scientific literature. Encephale. 46, 65-77.  (Q3 : Psychiatry and Mental Health)
  • Navarro‐Mateu, F., Husky, M.M., Cayuela‐Fuentes, P., Álvarez, F.‐J., Roca‐Vega, A., Rubio‐Aparicio, M., Chirlaque, M. D., Cayuela, M. L., Martínez, S., and Sánchez‐Meca, J. (2020) The association of telomere length with substance use disorders: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of observational studies. Addiction, (Q1:Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Navarro-Mateu F, Salmerón D, Vilagut G, Husky MM, Ballesta M, Chirlaque MD, Huerta JM, Martínez S, Navarro C, Alonso J, Nock M, Kessler RC. Childhood adversities and suicidal behavior in the general population. The cross-sectional PEGASUS-Murcia Project. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental (Q2:Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Persike, M., Seiffge-Krenke, I., Cok, F., Głogowska, K., Pavlopoulos, V., Tantaros, S., Perchec, C., Rohail, I., & Saravia, J. C. (2020). Emerging Adults’ Psychopathology in Seven Countries : The Impact of Identity-Related Risk Factors. Emerging Adulthood, 8(3), 179‑194. [Q2 Developmental and educational Psychology]
  • Pierre, L., Battistelli, A.  (2020). Antécédents et conséquences du comportement proactif au travail des cadres hospitaliers sur leur comportement d’innovation au travail : un modèle de médiation séquentielle-modérée. 26, 298-313 Q4
  • Pillaud, N., & Ric, F. (2020). The impact of automatic evaluation on mood: An awareness-dependent effect. Cognition & Emotion. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2020.1775555 (Q1 : Developmental and Educational Psychology).
  • Quiles, C., Prouteau, A. et Verdoux, H. (2020). Comment évaluer la conscience métacognitive ? Une étude comparative de deux outils sur une population non clinique. L’Encéphale, 46(1), 3-6. (Q3 : Psychiatry and mental health)
  • René de Cotret, F., Brisset, C., & Leanza, Y. (2020, à paraître). Typology of Attitutes among Health Care Interpreters: When Neutral means Proractive. Interpreting: International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting (Q1 : Linguistics and language / QI Language and linguistics)
  • Rouyer, V., Alonso-Diez, A., & Lucenet, J. (2020, à paraître) Grand-parentalité et troubles du spectre autistique du petit-enfant : étude exploratoire de l’expérience des grands-mères et des grands-pères. Dialogue, 2020/4, n°230. (Psycinfo - NR Scimago)
  • Rouyer, V., Constans, S., Ponce, C, & Lucenet, J. (2020). Étudier le point de vue des enfants : Questions épistémologiques, méthodologiques et éthiques en psychologie du développement. Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique, 146(1), 124-144. (Q2 en 2019 : sociology and political science)
  • Suitner, C., Maass, A., Navarrete, E., Formanowicz, M., Bratanova, B., Cervone, C., ... & Carrier, A. (2020). Spatial Agency Bias and Word Order Flexibility: A comparison of 14 European languages. Applied Psycholinguistics. (Q1 Psychology - Miscellaneous, IF 2019-20: 1.73)
  • Świątkowski, W., & Carrier, A. (2020). There is Nothing Magical about Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction to Epistemic Probabilities in Data Analysis for Psychology Starters. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 42(6), 387-412. (Q1 social psychology,  IF 2019-20: 1.29)
  • Tétreault, S., Bétrisey, C., Brisset C., Gulfi, A., Schaer, M., Leanza, Y., & Kühne, N. (2020, à paraître). Intercultural experiences prior to the educational program: Occupational therapy and social work students. Journal of Culture and Values in Education. (peer reviewed ; NR Scimago)
  • Tétreault, S., Bétrisey, C., Gulfi, A., Brisset, C., Kühne, N., & Leanza, Y.  (2020). Perceptions, competencies and motivation for study choice: Occupational therapy and social work student perspectives.. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care, 8(1),15-30. (Scopus - NR Scimago)
  • Tétréault, S., Brisset, C., Bétrisey, C., Gulfi, A., Leanza, Y., & Kuhne, N. (2020). Perceptions des étudiants en ergothérapie et en travail social quant au développement de leurs compétences interculturelles durant la formation initiale. Education et socialisation, 55, 1-21. Accessible en ligne : [DOI: 10.4000/edso.9112] (HCERES Sciences education – NR Scimago)
  • Valery, K.M. et Prouteau, A. (2020). Schizophrenia stigma in mental health professionals and associated factors: a systematic review. Psychiatry research. Advance online publication.doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113068. (Q1 : Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Violeau, L.Dudilot, A.,Roux, S. et Prouteau, A. (2020). How internalised stigma reduces self-esteem in schizophrenia: the crucial role of off-line metacognition. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry.Advance online publication (Q1: Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Violeau, L., Fournier, T., Valery, K.M. et Prouteau, A. (2020). How continuum beliefs can reduce stigma of schizophrenia: the role of perceived similarities. Schizophrenia research.  (Q1 : Psychiatry and mental health)
  • Walter, K. V., Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., … Carrier, A. … & Zupančič, M. (2020). Sex Differences in Mate Preferences Across 45 Countries: A Large-Scale Replication. Psychological Science. (Q1 : Psychology, Miscellaneous)


Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • Adrian, J., Charles, A., Moessinger., M  & Postal, V., 2019, Exploring the contribution of executive functions to on-road driving performance during aging: A latent variable analysis Accident Analysis & Prevention, 127, 96-109- 
  • Andela, M., & van der Doef, M, 2019, A Comprehensive Assessment of the Person–Environment Fit Dimensions and Their Relationships With Work-Related Outcomes Journal of Career Development 46(5), pp. 567-5820894845318789512.
  • Angel, V., & Hermans, J., 2019, Théorie des focus régulateurs : Etat de l’art et défis pour la cognition entrepreneuriale. Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, vol. 18(1), 23-71.
  • Aubé, B., & Ric, F., 2019, The sociofunctional model of prejudice : Questioning the role of emotions in the threat-behavior link. International Review of Social Psychology, 32(1), 1. DOI:
  • Aubé, B., Rougier, M., Muller, D., Ric, F, & Yzerbyt, V., 2019, The Online-VAAST: A short and online tool to measure spontaneous approach and avoidance tendencies. Acta Psychologica 201,102942
  • Battistelli, A., Odoardi, C., Vandenberghe, C., Di Napoli, G. Piccione, L., 2019, Information sharing and innovative work behavior: The role of work-based learning, challenging tasks, and organizational commitment. Human Resource  Human Resource Development Quarterly. 30, 361–381.
  • Carrier, A., Dompnier, B., & Yzerbyt, V., 2019, Of nice and mean: The personal relevance of others’ competence drives perceptions of warmth   Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol 45(11), Nov, 2019 pp. 1549-1562.
  • Carrizales, A., Perchec, C., & Lannegrand-Willems, L., 2019, Brief report: How many dimensions in the prosocial behavior scale? Psychometric investigation in French-speaking adolescents. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, Vol 16(3), May, 2019. pp. 340-348
  • Chevalère.J., Jauregi, J. Copet, P., Laurier, V., Thuilleaux., D., & Postal, V, 2019, Investigation of the relationship between electrodermal and behavioral responses to executive tasks in Prader-Willi syndrome: An event-related experiment Research in developmental disabilities, 85, 229-242.
  • Chevrier F, M'bailara K., 2019, Guidelines for announcement device in mental disorders Encephale 45(5), pp. 451-453 http://doi:10.1016/j.encep.2018.10.008  French
  • Conroy-Beam, D., Roney, J. R., Lukaszewski, A. W., Buss, D. M., Asao, A., Aavik, T., … Zupančič, M.., 2019,  Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation Evolution and Human Behavior, Jun 27, 2019.
  • D’Andrea N., Crenn, C. Hernandez, Y., Rouyer, V., Rubi, S. & Tozzi, P., 2019, Univers normatif et institutionnalisation du métier de ludothécaire : regards croisés sur des pratiques professionnelles en ludothèque. Sciences et actions sociales [en ligne], N°11 | année 2019, mis en ligne le date 17 juin 2019, consulté le XX:
  • Déprez, G.Battistelli, A., Antino, M., 2019, Norm and Deviance-Seeking Personal Orientation Scale (NDPOS) Adapted to the Organisational Context Psychologica Belgica,  59(1), pp.393–415. DOI:
  • Dujardin, E., & Mathey, S.,2019, Effects of Deletion Neighbourhood Frequency and Individual Differences in Lexical Decision, Progressive Demasking, and Naming. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale. Advance online publication.
  • Estival, S., Krasny-Pacini, A., Laurier, V., & Postal, V., 2019, Cognitive Training Targeting Planning Dysfunction in Adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome: Brief Report of a Study Protocol   Developmental Neurorehabilitation 22(8):1-7.
  • Etchepare, A.,Roux, S., Destaillats, J.M., Cady, F., Fontanier, D., Couhet, G. et Prouteau, A., 2019, What are the Specificities of Social Cognition in Schizophrenia? A Cluster-Analytic Study comparing Schizophrenia with the General Population Psychiatry research, 272, 369-79. (IF : 2.456).
  • Galletta, M., Vandenberghe, C., Portoghese, I., Allegrini, E., Saiani, L., Battistelli, A., 2019, A cross‐lagged analysis of the relationships among workgroup commitment, motivation and proactive work behaviour in nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 27, 1148-1158.
  • Hermans, J., & Angel, V., 2019, Multiple Goal Pursuit in Social Enterprises: How Does Regulatory Focus Relate to Opportunity Evaluation? International Review of Entrepreneurship, 17(2):pp.127-144.
  • Husky MM, Bharat C, Lépine J-P, Kovess-Masfety V., 2019, Cohort alcohol use in France and the transition from use to alcohol use disorder and remission. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs doi: 10.1080/02791072.2019.1612536
  • Kindelberger, C., Safont-Mottay, C., Lannegrand-Willems, L., 2019, Searching for Autonomy before the Transition to Higher Education: How do Identity and Self-Determined Academic Motivation Co-Evolve? Journal of Youth and Adolescence,
  • Lucenet J., & Blaye, 2019, What do I do next? The influence of two self-cueing strategies on children’s engagement of proactive control. Cognitive Development, 50, 167-176.
  • Martine ALCORTA, 2019, Des Psychologues scolaires aux Psychologues de l’Éducation nationale, quels changements dans leur formation ? Un métier, une histoire…un statut ! Revue  Psychologie & Éducation
  • M'Bailara K, Minois I, Zanouy L, Josse F, Rouan E, Maîtrot A, Sportich J, Roux S, Jutant A, Deloge A, Desage A, Gard S., 2019, Therapeutic education: A lever to change perceptions of bipolar disorder in family caregivers Encephale. 2019 Feb 2. pii: S0013-7006(19)30023-5. http://doi:10.1016/j.encep.2018.11.004  French
  • McKay, S.Lannegrand-Willems, L., Skues, J. & Wise, L., 2019, Emerging adult identity development during sojourn experiences: Theoretical suggestions and new research opportunities. Psicologia Sociale 14(2), pp. 205-234
  • Munuera C, Weil F, Minois I, Zanouy L, Gard S, Roux P, M'Bailara K., 2019, Exploring Early Maladaptative Schema (EMS) in adults with bipolar disorder: A systematic review of the scientific literature  Encephale 2019 Nov 22. pii: S0013-7006(19)30274-X. http://doi:10.1016/j.encep.2019.09.005
  • Navarro-Mateu, F, Escámez, Alcaráz J,Paz Quesada M, Seiquer de la Peña C, Salmerón D, Huerta JM, Vilagut G, Navarro C, Husky MM, Koenen KC, Kessler RC, Alonso J, Martínez S, 2019, Childhood adversities and 5-HTTLPR polymorphism as risk factors of substance use disorders: a case-control study. BMJ Open, 9:e030328. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030328
  • Odoardi, C., Battistelli, A., Montani, F., Peiró, J.M, 2019, Affective Commitment, Participative Leadership, and Employee Innovation: A Multilevel Investigation Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 35(2), 103-113.
  • Postal., V., Lieury.A., 2019, Capacité de réserve et vieillissement : effet du niveau d’étude et du niveau d’activités sur le fonctionnement exécutif Bulletin de Psychologie, 5, 365-377.
  • Revranche M,Husky MM, Kovess-Masfety V., 2019, Recours à la psychothérapie en France en fonction de la présence de tentatives de suicide. Encéphale. doi: 10.1016/j.encep.2019.07.012
  • Robert, C., 2019, L’utilisation de protocoles individuels expérimentaux et quasi-expérimentaux en psychologie : Aspects théoriques et méthodologiques. L’Année Psychologique, 119, 55-96.
  • Robinet, M.L, Cohen-Scali, V., & Pouyaud, J., 2019, La résilience dans les situations de licenciement économique : une étude de cas mobilisant les dialogues de conseil en Life Design Pratiques Psychologiques, Vol 25(3), Sep, 2019 pp. 285-302.
  • Roux P, Etain B, Cannavo AS, Aubin V, Aouizerate B, Azorin JM, Bellivier F, Belzeaux R, Bougerol T, Cussac I, Courtet P, Kahn JP, Leboyer M, M'Bailara K, Payet MP, Olié E; FondaMental Advanced Centers of Expertise in Bipolar Disorders  (FACE-BD) Collaborators, Henry C, Passerieux C., 2019, Prevalence and determinants of cognitive impairment in the euthymic phase of bipolar disorders: results from the FACE-BD cohort. Psychol Med. 2019 Feb;49(3):519-527. http://doi:10.1017/S0033291718001186
  • Seiffge-Krenke, I., Weitkamp, K., Çok, F., Glogowska, K., Pavlopoulos, V., Perchec, C., Rohail, I., Carlos Saravia, J., 2019, Psychopathologie bei Jugendlichen aus sieben Ländern: Welche Bedeutung hat die Kontrolle von Identitätsentwicklung und Familienbeziehungen ? Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Vol 47(5), Sep, 2019 pp. 441-452
  • Shankland, R., Kotsou, I., Vallet, F., Bouteyre, E., Dantzer, C., Leys, C., 2019, Burnout in university students: The mediating role of sense of coherence on the relationship between daily hassles and burnout. Higher Education, 78, 91-113. Doi : 10.1007/s10734-018-0332-4
  • Tudorache, A-C., El-Hage, W., Tapia, G., Goutaudier, N., Kalenzaga, S., Bouazzaoui, B., Jaafari, N., & Clarys, D., 2019, Inhibitory control of threat remembering in PTSD. Memory, Sep 6, 2019DOI:10.1080/09658211.2019.1662053.
  • Voisin, D., Brick, C., Vallée, B. & Pascual, A., 2019, When stereotype threat does not impair performance, self-affirmation can be harmful. Self and Identity 18(3), pp. 331-348



Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • Andela, M., & van der Doef, M, 2018, A Comprehensive Assessment of the Person–Environment Fit Dimensions and Their Relationships With Work-Related Outcomes., Journal of Career Development, 0894845318789512. 
  • Andela, M., Truchot, D.,  & Huguenotte, V, 2018, Work environment and elderly abuse in nursing homes: the mediating role of burnout. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
  • Andela, M., Truchot, D., & Huguenotte, V., 2018, Job demands, emotional dissonance and elderly abuse: The moderating role of organizational resources., Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect 30(5), pp. 368-384
  • Bajeux E, Klemanski D, Husky MM, Leray E, Fermanian C, Chan-Chee C, Kovess-Masfety V., 2018, Factors associated with parent-child discrepancies in reports of mental health disorders in young children. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, doi: 10.1007/s10578-018-0815-7
  • Bourdier, L., Orri, M., Carre A., Gearhardt, A., Romo, L., Dantzer, C., Berthoz, S., 2018, Are emotionally driven and addictive-like eating behaviors the missing links between psychological distress and greater body weight? Appetite. Vol 120, Jan 1, 2018 pp. 536-546 doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.10.013.
  • Claes M., Lacourse, E., Pagé, M., Paquin, S., Lannegrand-Willems, L., Sabatier, C., Perchec, C., Andrade Palos, P., Vieno, A., and Ramirez Garcia, J., 2018, Parental Control and Conflicts in Adolescence: A Cross-National Comparison of the United States, Canada, Mexico, France, and Italy. Journal of Family Issues 39(16), pp. 3857-3879
  • Dargél AA, Roussel F, Volant S, Etain B, Grant R, Azorin JM, M'Bailara K, Bellivier F, Bougerol T, Kahn JP, Roux P, Aubin V, Courtet P, Leboyer M; FACE-BD Collaborators, Kapczinski F, Henry C., 2018, Emotional hyper-reactivity and cardiometabolic risk in remitted bipolar patients: a machine learning approach. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2018 Oct;138(4):348-359. doi: 10.1111/acps.12901. Epub 2018 May 15.
  • Delile, J-M., Morales, J-H., Vedelago, F., Tapia, G., & Bertrand. K., 2018, TAPAJ, un "contingency management". Alcoologie et Addictologie, Vol 40(3), Sep, 2018 pp. 252-260.
  • Derguy C, Poumeyreau M, Pingault S, M'bailara K.,  2018, A therapeutic education program for parents of children with ASD: Preliminary results about the effectiveness of the ETAP program. Encephale. 2018 Nov;44(5):421-428. doi:10.1016/j.encep.2017.07.004. Epub 2017 Nov 24. French.
  • Derguy C,Roux S,Portex M,M'bailara K., 2018, An ecological exploration of individual, family, and environmental contributions to parental quality of life in autism. Psychiatry Research Vol 268, Oct, 2018 pp. 87-93 doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2018.07.006. Epub 2018 Jul 7.
  • Dupart, M.,Auzou, N. & Mathey, S., 2018,  Emotional Valence Impacts Lexical Activation and Inhibition Differently in Aging: an Emotional Hayling Task Investigation. Experimental Aging Research, 44(3), 206-220. doi:10.1080/0361073X.2018.1449587.
  • Encrenaz, G., Laberon, S., Lagabrielle, C., De Bruyne, G., Pouyaud, J., & Rascle, N., 2018, Psychosocial risks in small enterprises: The mediating role of perceived working conditions in the relationship between enterprise size and workers' anxious or depressive episodes. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), Published online: 03 Jul 2018,
  • Erentaitė, R., Lannegrand-Willems, L., Negru-Subtirica, O., Vosylis, R., Sondaitė, J. & Raižienė, S., 2018, Identity development among ethnic minority youth: Integrating findings from studies in Europe. European PsychologistVol 23(4), 2018 Special Issue: The Multifaceted Nature of Identity: Toward Integrative Perspectives on Processes, Pathways, and Contexts. pp. 324-335
  • Etchepare, A. et Prouteau, A., 2018, Toward a two-dimensional model of social cognition in clinical neuropsychology: A systematic review of factor structure studies Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society,  Vol 24(4), Apr, 2018 pp. 391-404 doi: 10.1017/S1355617717001163.
  • Fournier, A., Mondillon, L., Dantzer, C., Gauchez, A-S., Ducros, V., Mathieu, N., Faure, P., Canini, F., Bonaz, B., & Pellissier, S., 2018, Emotional Overactivity in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.         Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 30; 10. doi: 10.1111/nmo.13387
  • Husky MM, Bharat C, Vilagut G, Salmerón D, Martínez S, Navarro C, Alonso J, Kessler RC, Navarro-Mateu F., 2018,      Birth-sex cohort use and alcohol use transitions in the general population: the cross-sectional PEGASUS-Murcia project  Adicciones, 2018 Dec 20;0(0):1067. doi: 10.20882/adicciones.1067.
  • Husky MM, Boyd A, Bitfoi A, Carta MG, Chan-chee C, Goelitz D, Koç C, Lesinskiene S, Mihova Z, Otten R, Pez O, Shojaei T, Kovess-Masfety V., 2018, Self-reported mental health in children ages 6–12 years across eight European countries European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 27 (6), 785-795. doi: 10.1007/s00787-017-1073-0.
  • Husky MM, Farin FF, Compagnone C, Fermanian C, Kovess-Masfety  V., 2018, Chronic back pain and its association with quality of life in a large French population survey. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. doi:10.1186/s12955-018-1018-4
  • Husky MM, Mazure CM, Kovess-Masfety V., 2018, Gender differences in psychiatric and medical comorbidity with post-traumatic stress disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry 21 (84), 75-81. doi: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2018.04.007
  • Husky MM, Mazure CM, Ruffault A, Flahault C, Kovess-Masfety V., 2018, Differential associations between excess body weight and psychiatric disorders in men and women. Journal of Women’s Health, Vol 27(2), Feb, 2018 pp. 183-190 doi: 10.1089/jwh.2016.6248
  • Husky MM, Otten R , Boyd A, Pez O, Bitfoi A, Carta MG, Goelitz D, Koç C, Lesinskiene S, Mihova Z, Kovess-Masfety V., 2018, Psychometric properties of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire in children 5 to 12 across seven European countries. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, Sep 25, 2018 .doi: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000489
  • Laberon, S., Grotz, C., Amieva, H., Pérès, K. & Vonthron, A.M., 2018, Psycho-social transition to retirement and adjustment to retired life: influence on wellbeing and mental health in retired farmers. Ageing and Society. Published online: 07 Août 2018, Q2 H index 68
  • Lamers F, Swendsen JD, Cui L, Husky MM, Johns J,  Zipunnikov V, Merikangas KR., 2018, Mood Reactivity and Affective Dynamics in Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol 127(7), Oct, 2018 pp. 659-669
  • Lannegrand-Willems, L.,Chevrier, B.,Perchec, C, & Carrizales, A., 2018, How is Civic Engagement Related to Personal Identity and Social Identity in Late Adolescents and Emerging Adults? A Person-Oriented Approach.   Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Vol 47(4), Apr, 2018 pp. 731-748. Doi: 10.1007/s10964-018-0821-x.
  • Lecigne, M., & Tapia, G.,2018, The mediating role of early maladaptive schemas on relations between post-traumatic stress disorder symptom severity and illicit substance use disorder. Journal of Substance Use, 23 (6), 634-639.
  • Magne, J., Lagabrielle, C., & Felonneau, M.-L.,2018, Les stéréotypes de sexe évoluent-ils? Une étude exploratoire auprès d'étudiants français.e.s. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 47/3 P.495-520 
  • Mathey, S.,Camblats, A.-M.Ballot, C., Broqua, A., Postal, V., & Robert, C.,2018, De la lecture d’un mot à sa mémorisation : influence des processus lexico-émotionnels. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 155, 399-405.
  • M'bailara K, Atzeni T, Contrand B, Derguy C, Bouvard MP, Lagarde E, Galéra C., 2018, Emotional reactivity: Beware its involvement in traffic accidents Psychiatry Research, Vol 262, Apr, 2018 pp. 290-294 doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.12.019. Epub 2017 Dec 10.
  • Misdrahi D, Tessier A, Husky MM, Lange A-C, Vrijens B, Llorca PM, Baylé FJ., 2018, Evaluation of adherence patterns in schizophrenia using electronic monitoring (MEMS®): A six-month post-discharge prospective study. Schizophrenia Research, 193, 114-118
  • Morin-Messabel, C., Rouyer, V., & Constans, S., 2018, L’égalité filles-garçons à l’école : apports de la recherche en psychologie pour les politiques éducatives et les actions sur le terrain éducatif. Education & Formations, n°98, « Égalité filles-garçons / femmes-hommes dans le système éducatif
  • Niesen, W., Van Hootegem, A., Handaja, Y., Battistelli, A., De Witte, H., 2018, Quantitative and Qualitative Job Insecurity and Idea Generation: The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract Breach. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 3(1), p.3.
  • Niesen, W., Van Hootegem, A., Vander Elst, T., Battistelli, A., De Witte, H., 2018, Job Insecurity and Innovative Work Behaviour: A Psychological Contract Perspective. Psychologica Belgica, Vol 57(4), Jan 4, 2018 ArtID: 174-189.
  • Pacton, S., Afonso Jaco, A., Nys, M., Foulin, J.-N., Treiman, R., & Peereman, R., 2018, Children benefit from morphological relatedness independently of orthographic relatedness when they learn to spell new words.  Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Vol 171, Jul, 2018 pp. 71-83
  • Pitt, A., Oprescu, F., Tapia, G., & Gray, M., 2018, An exploratory study of students’ weekly stress levels and sources of stress during the semester   "Active Learning in Higher Education 19(1), pp. 61-75
  • Portex, M., Héline, C., Ponce, C. et Foulin, J.N.,2018, Dynamics of mirror writing compared to conventional writing in typical preliterate children Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol 31(6), Jun, 2018 pp. 1435-1448
  • Robert, C. & Mathey, S.,2018, The oral and written side of word production in young and older adults: Generation of lexical neighbors. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, Vol 25(2), Mar, 2018 pp. 231-243
  • Román-Calderón, J.P., Franco-Ruiz, C., Battistelli, A. & Odoardi, C., 2018, European Social Enterprises, still an epitome of benevolent enterprises? The employees’ perspective. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 9: 2, 169-179.
  • Rougier, M., Muller, D., Ric, F., Alexopoulos, T., Batailler, C., Smeding, A., & Aubé, B., 2018, A new look at sensorimotor aspects in approach/avoidance tendencies: The role of visual whole-body movement information. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76, 42-53.
  • Roux P, Etain B, Cannavo AS, Aubin V, Aouizerate B, Azorin JM, Bellivier F, Belzeaux R, Bougerol T, Cussac I, Courtet P, Kahn JP, Leboyer M, M'Bailara K, Payet MP, Olié E; FondaMental Advanced Centers of Expertise in Bipolar Disorders (FACE-BD) Collaborators, Henry C, Passerieux C., 2018, Prevalence and determinants of cognitive impairment in the euthymic phase of bipolar disorders: results from the FACE-BD cohort  Psychological Medicine, May 8, 2018. PubMed PMID: 29734950.
  • Rouyer, V., Baude, A., Biargues-Joubert, A. & Monribot, M., 2018,  Être co-parents après la séparation conjugale : approche psycho-sociale et développementale des expériences des parents et des beaux-parents. Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux, 61 “ Après la séparation : les difficultés de la parentalité”, 213-231.
  • Rouyer, V.,Constans, S., & Régeon, V., 2018, Construction des rapports au genre dans l'enfance: les points de vue des filles et des garçons sur les activités sportives. Le sujet dans la cité, Actuels Hors série, n°7, 151-163.
  • Seiffge-Krenke, I., Besevegis, E., Chau, C., Coc, F., Lannegrand-Willems, L., Lubiewska, L., &  Rohail, I., 2018, Identitätsentwicklung, Familienbeziehungen und Symptombelastung bei Jugendlichen aus sieben Ländern.   Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 67, 639 – 656. https://DOI 10.13109/prkk.2018.67.7.639
  • Seiffge-Krenke, I., Persike, M., Besevegis, E., Chau, C., Güney Karaman, N., Lannegrand-Willems, L., Lubiewska, K.   & Rohail I., 2018, Culture beats gender? The importance of controlling for identity and parenting-related risk factors in adolescent psychopathology. Journal of Adolescence Vol 63, Feb, 2018 pp. 194-208
  • Seiffge-Krenke, I., Persike, M., Tantaros, S., Saravia, J. C., Öncü, B., Çavdar, D., Perchec, C., Głogowska, K., & Rohail, I., 2018, Psychopathologie bei jungen Erwachsenen aus sieben Ländern: Einfluss identitätsbezogener Risikofaktoren. Psychotherapeut.
  • Subra, B., Muller, D., Fourgassie, L., Chauvin, A., & Alexopoulos, T., 2018, Of guns and snakes: testing a modern threat superiority effect. Cognition and Emotion, Vol 32(1), Jan, 2018 pp. 81-91 doi: 10.1080/02699931.2017.1284044.
  • Tapia, G., Perez-Dandieu, B., Lenoir, H., Othily, E., Gray, M., & Delile, J-M., 2018, Treating Addiction with Schema Therapy and EMDR in Women with Co-occurring SUD and PTSD: A Pilot Study. Journal of Substance Use, Vol 23(2), Mar, 2018 pp. 199-205 DOI: 10.1080/14659891.2017.1378743.
  • Truchot, D., & Andela, M., 2018, Burnout and hopelessness among farmers: The Farmers Stressors Inventory. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 53(8), pp. 859-867



Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • Battistelli, A., Galletta, M., Odoardi, C., Nuñez, J.L., Ntalianis, F., 2017, Proposal for a Version of MWMS Across Mediterranean Countries: A Validation Study in Greece, Italy, and Spain. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.Vol 33(2), 2017 pp. 104-115. DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000277
  • Constans, S.,Alcorta, M., & Rouyer, V., 2017, Des enfants citoyens ou des citoyens en devenir ? Enjeux et paradoxes de l’éducation à la citoyenneté. La Revue Internationale de l’Education Familiale, n°41, 23-44.                         
  • Corbière, M., Lecomte, T., Lachance, J-P., Coutu, M-F. Negrini. A. et Laberon, S., 2017, Stratégies de retour au travail d’employés ayant fait l’expérience d’une dépression : perspectives des employeurs et des cadres des ressources humaines. Revue Santé Mentale au Québec, 42(2), 173-196.
  • Corréard N, Consoloni JL, Raust A, Etain B, Guillot R, Job S, Loftus J, Médecin I, Bougerol T, Polosan M, Fredembach B, Gard S, M'Bailara K, Kahn JP, Roux P, Homassel AS, Carminati M, Matos L, Olié E, Bellivier F, Courtet P, Henry  C, Leboyer M, Azorin JM, Belzeaux R; FACE-BD collaborators., 2017, Neuropsychological functioning, age, and medication adherence in bipolar disorder. PLoS ONE, Vol 12(9), Sep 5, 2017 ArtID: e0184313. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0184313. eCollection 2017.
  • Cursan, A., Bernstein, M.J., Pascual, A. & Felonneau, M.L.,2017, Impact of Gendered Ingroup/Outgroup Ostracism on Women’s Academic Performances. The Journal of Social Psychology, Vol 157(3), May, 2017 pp. 338-351
  • Cursan, A.,Pascual, A. & Felonneau, M.L., 2017, L’ostracisme. Avancées scientifiques sur la thématique d’une menace quotidienne.   Bulletin de Psychologie, No 551(5), Sep-Oct, 2017 pp. 383-397
  • Dargél AA, Godin O, Etain B, Hirakata V, Azorin JM, M'Bailara K, Bellivier F, Bougerol T, Kahn JP, Passerieux C, Aubin V, Courtet P, Leboyer M, Henry C; FACE-BD collaborators., 2017, Emotional reactivity, functioning, and C-reactive protein alterations in remitted bipolar patients: Clinical relevance of a dimensional approach. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 51(8), Aug, 2017 pp. 788-798. doi: 10.1177/0004867417691850. Epub 2017 Apr 4. PubMed PMID: 28374603.
  • Etain, B., Lajnef, M., Bellivier, F., Henry, C., M'bailara, K., Kahn, J.P., Leboyer, M., Fisher, H.L., 2017, Revisiting the association between childhood trauma and psychosis in bipolar disorder: A quasi-dimensional path-analysis. Journal of Psychiatric Research,  Vol 84, Jan, 2017 pp. 73-79
  • Faury S, Koleck M, Foucaud J, M'Bailara K, Quintard B., 2017, Patient education interventions for colorectal cancer patients with stoma: A systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling, Vol 100(10), Oct, 2017 pp. 1807-1819 doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2017.05.034. Epub 2017 Jun 3. Review. PubMed PMID: 28602564.
  • Fourchard, F., Huet-Gueye, M., Beaumatin, A., Rouyer,V., Larroze-Marracq, H., Mieyaa, Y Lannegrand-Willems, L., 2017, Citoyenneté et orientation à l’adolescence : dialectique des processus identitaires et de socialisation. Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, Vol 46(1), Jan, 2017 pp. 39-60.
  • Gobin, P., Camblats A. -M., Faurous, W., & Mathey, S.,2017, Une base de l'Emotionalité (valence, arousal, catégories) de 1286 Mots français selon l'Age (EMA).  European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, Vol 67(1), Jan, 2017 pp. 25-42
  • Graton, A. & Ric, F.,2017, How guilt leads to reparation? Exploring the processes underlying the effects of guilt. Motivation and Emotion, Vol 41(3), Jun, 2017 pp. 343-352
  • Graton, A., & Ric, F., 2017, Comprendre le lien culpabilité - réparation : Un rôle potentiel de l'attention. L’Année Psychologique, 117, 379-404.
  • Grotz, C., Matharan, F., Amieva, H., Laberon, S., Pérès, K., Dartigues, J.-F., . . . Adam, S., 2017, Psychological transition and adjustment processes related to retirement: Influence on cognitive functioning. Aging & Mental Health, Vol 21(12), Dec, 2017 pp. 1310-1316
  • Guéguen, N., Jacob, C. & Pascual, A., 2017, The effect of the “Evoking Freedom” Technique on Compliance with a Server’s suggestion : An evaluation in a restaurant. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Vol 41(5), Jun, 2017 pp. 635-639
  • Huet-Gueye, M., & Rouyer, V.,2017, Education à la citoyenneté: quelle place et quels rôles de la famille? Présentation du dossier « Éducation à la citoyenneté : enjeux, acteurs, contextes ». La Revue Internationale de l’Education Familiale, n°41, 13-21.
  • Husky MM, Keyes K, Hamilton A, Stragalinou A, Pez O, Bitfoi A, Koç C, Kuijpers R, Lesinskiene S, Mihova Z, Otten R, Kovess –Masfety V., 2017, Maternal alcohol use and child mental health: Evidence from five European countries. Substance Use & Misuse, 52:14, 1823-1831.
  • Husky MM, Swendsen JD, Ionita A, Jaussent I, Genty C, Courtet P., 2017, Predictors of daily life suicidal ideation in adults recently discharged after an attempted suicide. Psychiatry Research, Vol 256, Oct, 2017 pp. 79-84
  • Kovess Masfety V, Lesinskiene S, Husky MM, Boyd A, Ha P, Fermanian C, Pez O., 2017, Risk factors for child mental health problems in Lithuania: The role of parental nationality. Comprehensive Psychiatry, Vol 73, Feb, 2017 pp. 15-22.
  • Kovess-Masfety V, Sowa D, Keyes K, Husky MM, Fermanian C, Bitfoi A, Carta M, Koç C, Goelitz D, Kuijpers R, Lesinskiene S, Mihova Z, Otten R, Pez O., 2017, The association between car accident fatalities and children’s fears: a study in seven EU countries.    PLoS ONE, Vol 12(8), Aug 3, 2017 ArtID: e0181619
  • Kovess-Masfety V, Van Engelen J, Stone L, Kuijpers R, Otten R, Carta MG, Bitfoi A, Koç C, Goelitz D, Lesinskiene S, Mihova Z, Fermanian C, Pez O, Husky MM., 2017, Unmet need for mental health services in children across Europe. Psychiatric Services, Vol 68(8), Aug 1, 2017 pp. 789-795 doi: 10.1176/ [Epub ahead of print]
  • Laberon, S., Scordato, N. et Corbière, M., 2017, Représentations du « trouble psychique » et adéquation à l’emploi perçue par des employeurs du milieu ordinaire de travail en France. Revue Santé Mentale au Québec, 42(2), 133-154.
  • Lannegrand-Willems, L.,Perchec, C, 2017, Evaluer les processus de l’identité vocationnelle de l’adolescence à l’entrée dans l’âge adulte : Validation française du « Vocational Identity Status Assessment » (VISA). European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée Vol 67(2), Mar, 2017 pp. 91-102
  • Leanza, Y., Rizkallah, E., Michaud-Labonté, T., & Brisset, C., 2017, From concerns for patients to a quest for information: How medical socialization shapes family physicians’ representations of interpreters. Interpreting, Vol 19(2), 2017 pp. 232-259.
  • Montani, F., Battistelli, A., Odoardi, C., 2017, Proactive goal generation and Innovative Work Behavior: The Moderating Role of Affective Commitment, Production Ownership and Leader Support for Innovation. Journal of Creative Behaviour. Vol 51(2), Jun, 2017 pp. 107-127
  • Parant, A.,Pascual, A.,Jugel, M., Kerroume, M., Felonneau, M.L. & Guéguen, N., 2017, Raising students awareness to climate change: an illustration with binding communication. Environment and Behavior, Vol 49(3), Apr, 2017 pp. 339-353
  • Portex, M.Foulin, J.-N., & Troadec, B., 2017, Cultural influence on directional tendencies in children’s drawing.   Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, Vol 22(5), Sep, 2017 pp. 621-640
  • Prouteau, A ;  Roux, S ; Destaillats, JM ; Bergua, V., 2017, Profiles of relationships between subjective and objective cognition in schizophrenia: associations with quality of life, stigmatization and mood factors,   Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, Vol 16(1), 2017 pp. 64-76
  • Schweitzer P, Husky MM, Allard M, Amieva H, Pérès K, Foubert-Samier A, Dartigues J-F, Swendsen JD., 2017, Feasibility and validity of mobile cognitive testing in the investigation of age‐related cognitive decline. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, Vol 26(3), Sep, 2017 pp. 1-8. DOI:10.1002/mpr.1521
  • Tapia, G., Marquebieille, C., Othily, E., Delile, J-M., & Perez-Dandieu, B., 2017, Symptômes dissociatifs et conduites à risques dans un cas de trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT) comorbide d’un trouble lié à l’usage de substances (TUS). European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation
  • Tessier A, Boyer L, Husky MM, Baylé FJ, Llorca PM, Misdrahi D., 2017, Medication adherence in schizophrenia: the role of insight, therapeutic alliance and perceived trauma associated with psychiatric care. Psychiatry Research, Vol 257, Nov, 2017 pp. 315-321
  • Tétreault, S., Leanza, Y., Gulfi, A., Bétrisey, A., Kühne, N., Brisset C., & Schaer, M., 2017, Rencontre avec l’Autre lors du stage : récits de pratique auprès d’étudiants en travail social et en ergothérapie. Revue Service Social
  • Tournier, I., Vives, M-F., & Postal. V., 2017, Animal-Assisted Intervention in Dementia: Effects on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and on Caregivers' Distress Perceptions, Swiss Journal of Psychology, Vol 76(2), Apr, 2017 pp. 51-58
  • Vignoli E. & Lannegrand-Willems, L. (Eds.), 2017, Introduction : Adolescence et Orientation L’Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 46(2), 177-178
  • Yvon, F & Prouteau, A., 2017, Towards an understanding of stigma : what is the sterotype associated with schizophrenia ?  Santé Mentale au Québec,


Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • Barrault-Couchouron M., Beracochea M. Allafort V., Barthelemy V., Bonnefoi H., Bussieres E., Garguil V., Auriacome M., Saint Jacques M., Dorval M., M’Bailara K., 2016, Screening, brief intervention and referral (SBIR) for distress, alcohol and tobacco in an oncology surgical unit: qualitative analysis of implementation process and acceptability for patients over one year. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 2016. 19/09/2016.
  • Battistelli, A., Galletta, M., Vandenberghe, C., Odoardi, C., 2016, Perceived organisational support, organisational commitment and self‐competence among nurses: A study in two Italian hospitals. Journal of Nursing Management. Vol 24(1), Jan, 2016 pp. E44-E53 (IF 1,454). (AERES, JCR). Online first 4 FEB 2015 | DOI:10.1111/jonm.12287.
  • Battistelli, A., Montani, F., Guicciardi, M., Bertinato, L., 2016, Regulation of exercise behaviour and motives for physical activities: The Italian validation of BREQ and MPAM-R questionnaires. Psychologie Française, Vol 61(4), Dec, 2016 pp. 333-348
  • Baude, A., & Rouyer, V., 2016, Parents en résidence alternée et relation coparentale : le rôle de la relation d’attachement entre les ex-partenaires et des variables liées au contexte de la séparation conjugale. Psychologie Française, Vol 61(3), Sep, 2016 pp. 219-234.
  • Bonaz, B., Sinniger, V., Hoffmann, D., Clarençon, D., Mathieu, N., Dantzer, C., Vercueil, L., Picq, C., Trocmé, C., Faure, P., Cracowski, J-L., & Pellissier, S., 2016, Chronic vagus nerve stimulation in Crohn’s disease : a 6-month follow-up pilot study. "Neurogastroenterology and Motility 28(6), pp. 948-953 DOI:10.1111/nmo.12792."
  • Bouazzaoui, B., Follenfant, A.Ric, F., Fay, S., Croizet, J.C., Atzeni, T., & Taconnat, L., 2016, Ageing-related stereotypes in memory: When the beliefs come true. Memory, Vol 24(5), May, 2016 pp. 659-668 DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2015. 1040802
  • Brisset, C., & Rocque, R., 2016, Review of Development of geocentric spatial language and cognition: An eco-cultural perspective [book review]., Culture & Psychology, Vol 22(2), Jun, 2016 pp. 319-323 (DOI: 10.1177/1354067X16634048)
  • Camblats A. -M., & Mathey, S., 2016, The effect of orthographic and emotional neighbourhood in a colour categorization task. Cognitive processing. Vol 17(1), Feb, 2016 pp. 115-122 DOI: 10.1007/s10339-015-0742-5
  • Cannard, C., Lannegrand-Willems, L., Safont-Mottay, C., & Zimmermann, G., 2016, Brief report: Academic amotivation in light of the dark side of identity formation. Journal of Adolescence, Vol 47, Feb, 2016 pp. 179-184
  • Carpenter, C.J. & Pascual, A., 2016, Testing the Reactance vs. the Reciprocity of Politeness Explanations for the Effectiveness of the “But You Are Free” Compliance-Gaining Technique. Social Influence, Vol 11(2), Apr, 2016 pp. 101-110
  • Curcuruto, M., Mariani, M.G., Battistelli, A., 2016, Orientamento proattivo alla sicurezza nel lavoro: studio qualitativo degli antecedenti motivazionali. Giornale Italiano di Medicina del lavoro e Ergonomia.
  • Décamps, G. & Bois, J., 2016, Psychologie du sport appliquée à la performance et à la sante tout au long de la vie.    STAPS Revue internationale des sciences du sport et de l’éducation physique, 110(4), 9-10. 
  • Décamps, G. & Fournier, J., 2016, Psychologie du sport : de la psychologie de la performance à la psychologie des activités physiques. Psychologie Française, 61(4), 251-255. 
  • Décamps, G., Berjot, S., Simon, R. & Hagger, M.S., 2016, The influence of body-related-beliefs on sportsmen’s body image and muscle dysmorphia: the role of body malleability. The European Health Psychologist. 18(1), 30-34.
  • Décamps, G., Gana, K., Hagger, M.S., Bruchon-Schweitzer, ML. & Boujut, E., 2016, Étude des liens entre la fréquence de pratique sportive et la santé des étudiants : Mesure des effets de genre sur les troubles alimentaires et les consommations de substances. Psychologie Française, Vol 61(4), Dec, 2016 pp. 361-374
  • Derguy, C.M’Bailara, K., Michel, G., Roux, S., & Bouvard, M., 2016, The Need for an Ecological Approach to Parental Stress in Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Combined Role of Individual and Environmental Factors.      Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol 46(6), Jun, 2016 pp. 1895-1905
  • Graton, A.Ric, F., & Gonzalez, E., 2016, Reparation or Reactance? The Influence of Guilt on Reaction to Persuasive Communication. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 62, 40-49.
  • Guéguen, N. Meineri, S. Ruiz, C. & Pascual, A., 2016, Promising reciprocity: When proposing a favor for a request increases compliance even if the favor is not accepted. Journal of Social Psychology, Vol 156(5), Sep, 2016 pp. 498-512
  • Guéguen, N., Martin, A., Silone, F & Pascual, A, 2016, The foot-in-the-door technique, crime, and the responsive bystander: A field experiment. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, Vol 18(1), Feb, 2016 pp. 60-68
  • Guéguen, N., Meineri, S., Pascual, A., Girandola, F. & Silone, F., 2016, Hey buddy, can you give me thirty-seven seconds of your time ? Extension of the Pique Technique to a Non-monetary Solicitation and Test of Justification for Compliance.      Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, Vol 35(4), Dec, 2016 pp. 583-586
  • Laberon, S., Barou, D. et Ripon, A., 2016, Management et risques psychosociaux au sein de l'institution militaire : l'effet médiateur du style de management perçu sur le lien entre le statut et les risques psychosociaux, Le Travail Humain: A Bilingual and Multi-Disciplinary Journal in Human Factors, Vol 79(4), Oct, 2016 pp. 363-393
  • Lannegrand-Willems, L.Perchec, C., & Marchal, C., 2016,  Vocational identity and psychological adjustment: A study in French adolescents and emerging adults. Journal of Adolescence, Vol 47, Feb, 2016 pp. 210-219 Doi : 10.1016/j.adolescence.2015.10.005
  • Lecigne, M., & Tapia, G., 2016, Trouble de stress post-traumatique et trouble lié à l’usage de substances illicites : Le rôle médiateur des schémas précoces inadaptés. Pratiques Psychologiques, Vol 22(4), Dec, 2016 pp. 417-430.     
  • Morin-Messabel, C., Ferrière, S., Lainé, A., Mieyaa, Y., & Rouyer, V., 2016, Representaçoes das categorias de sexe em crianças no contexto escolar [Représentations liées aux catégories de sexe chez les enfants en contexte scolaire]. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 46(160), 526-546.
  • Pascual, A., Carpenter, C., Guéguen, N., & Girandola, F., 2016, A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Low-Ball Compliance Gaining Procedure. European Review of Applied Psychology, Vol 66(5), Sep, 2016 pp. 261-267                     
  • Pouyaud, J., 2016, Francis Bacon et le Life design. Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, Vol 45(3), Sep, 2016 pp. 281-302
  • Pouyaud, J. & Cohen Scali, V., 2016, Perspectives actuelles du conseil psychologique en orientation. Psychologie Française, Vol 61(1), Mar, 2016 pp. 43-60
  • Pouyaud, J., 2016, For a psychosocial approach to decent work. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol 7, Mar 31, 2016 ArtID: 422  doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00422
  • Pouyaud, J., Bangali, M., Cohen-Scali, V., Robinet, M.L., Guichard, J., 2016, Exploring changes during Dialogues for Life and Career Designing.   Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol 97, Dec, 2016 pp. 3-12
  • Prouteau, A ;  Stéfan, A ; Wiart, L ; Mazaux, JM., 2016, The evaluation of behavioural changes in brain-injured patients: SOFMER recommendations for clinical practice. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2016, 59(1), 23-30. 1,2
  • Robert, C., & Rico Duarte, L., 2016, Semantic richness and aging: The effect of number of features in the lexical decision task. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Vol 45(2), Apr, 2016 pp. 359-365
  • Robert, C., Cousson-Gélie, F., Faurous, W., & Mathey, S., 2016, Subjective Lexical Characteristics: Comparing Ratings of Members of the Target Population and Doctors for Words Stemming from a Medical Context. Language & Speech. Vol 59(4), Dec, 2016 pp. 562-575.
  • Román-Calderón, J.P., Vandenberghe, C., Odoardi, C., Battistelli, A., 2016, An exploration of the ideological dimension of the psychological contract among social enterprises: A comparison across Colombian and Italian contexts.  Applied Psychology Bulletin, No 276(64), May-Aug, 2016 pp. 39-50
  • Savickas, M.L., & Pouyaud, J., 2016, Concevoir & construire sa vie : Un modèle général pour l’accompagnement en orientation au 21ème siècle.     Psychologie Française. 61, 1, 5-14.
  • Silone, F., Pascual, A., Meineri, S. & Guéguen, N., 2016, Compliance without pressure for minimal income policy management.   Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, Vol 22(3), Aug, 2016 pp. 330-340
  • Vahine, T.Mathey, S.Foulin, J-N.Delord, S., 2016, Dissociation between magnocellular and parvocellular processing in visual word recognition. Journal of Vision, 16 (Supplm.)-
  • Vallée, B., Larrède, L., Willaume, V., Pascual A. & Meineri, S., 2016, Effets à long terme d'une stratégie engageante : Augmenter le nombre d'adhésions de l’association sportive d’un collège mahorais. Pratiques Psychologiques, Vol 22(4), Dec, 2016 pp. 353-362.