Robert Christelle

Professeur en psychologie cognitive
Thèmes de recherche
Langage, mémoire, vieillissement, émotions
Psychologie cognitive
Publications depuis 2021 :
- Camblats, A.-M., Mathey, S., Robert, C., Estival, S., Chevalère, J., Maire, J., Tauber, M., Laurier, V., Tricot, J., Mourre, F., & Postal, V.(2023) Interference effect of food and emotional stimuli in Stroop-like tasks for children and adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome.Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.
- Ballot, C., Mathey, S., & Robert, C. (2022). Age-related evaluations of imageability and subjective frequency for 1,286 neutral and emotional French words: Ratings in young, middle-aged and older adults. Behavior Research Methods, 54, 196-215.
- Ballot, C., Robert, C., & Mathey, S. (2022). Word imageability influences the effect of emotionality in episodic memory. Cognitive Processing, 23, 655-660.
- Camblats, A.-M., Robert, C., & Mathey, S. (2022). Le voisinage orthographique influence la catégorisation de couleur des mots différemment selon l’âge et la vitesse de traitement. Psychologie Française, 67, 49-59.
- Laulan, P., Catheline, G., Mayo, W., Robert, C., & Mathey, S. (2022). Age-related positivity effect: Distinct mechanisms for lexical access and episodic memory retrieval of emotional words. Psychology and Aging, 37(8), 913-928.
- Ballot, C., Mathey, S., & Robert, C. (2021). Word imageability and orthographic neighbourhood effects on memory: A study in free recall and recognition. Memory, 29, 829-834.
- Laulan, P., Catheline, G., Mayo, W., Robert, C., & Mathey, S. (2021). The age-related positivity effect: forgetting the negative and/or remembering the positive? An inter-task study. Gériatrie et psychologie neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement, 18, 437–447.
- Mathey, S., Ballot, C., Postal, V., & Robert, C. (2021). Les mots du cancer : apports de la psycholinguistique et de la psychologie cognitive, in E. Dugas & L. Sivilotti (Eds.), Inclure dans et hors l’école ? Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique) : EME éditions.
- Robert, C., Broqua, A., & Mathey, S. (2021). Can situational stress alter the effect of word emotional valence in a working memory task?in C. Houssemand (Ed.), Recherches actuelles en psychologie différentielle, (pp. 189-197). Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg): University of Luxembourg.